In today’s hustle culture, stress is the price to pay when striving for more success.

With the never-ending to-do list, constant deadlines and countless decision-making, The American Institute of Stress reports that 55 percent of American people experience stress during the day. With juggling life’s responsibilities, there is no running away from it.

April is National Stress Awareness Month, which raises awareness about its negative impact and side effects on the body. Stress is a normal bodily response to physical and mental challenges or threats. It can cause serious health issues. However, despite the statistics, mental health professionals found that there are some cases where stress is more helpful than harmful.

When Is Stress Beneficial For You?

VeryWell Health experts have found that people can experience four main types of stress during their lifetime: Acute, Chronic, Episodic and Eustress. 

Out of the four, Eustress is recognized as beneficial. This type of stress is beneficial because it produces positive results. Experiencing life changes, such as going to college, starting a new job or moving falls into this category. Life changes don’t always have to be monumental. Minor shifts, like doing a tough workout or trying a new hairstyle, also fit.

Situations similar to these are considered to be beneficial because they are often associated with excitement and anticipation rather than anxiety and fears. Although the nervous jitters of sweaty palms and a pounding heart may still occur, those sensations are driven by excitement, motivation and anticipation for the thrilling outcome that waits on the other side of the experience.

When Does It Turn More Harmful Than Helpful?

Mental health author Morra Aarons-Mele told VeryWell Health that stress becomes negative the more it becomes consistent. 

“Stress is an external pressure we feel when there are expectations placed on us, like meeting a work deadline or finishing a paper in school,” Aarons-Mele told the outlet. “For me, the deciding line between good and bad stress is the duration or length of time you feel stressed.”

Experts refer to this type as chronic. The ongoing anxiety and overwhelmedness of a person’s situation or environment can be harmful to the body if not addressed. Headaches, chest pains, irritability, poor performance, loss of concentration, depression are just a shortlist of the many symptoms that can happen when it gets to be too much. 

How To Manage Good and Bad Stress?

It is a natural part of life. Finding the balance between the two is possible. Exercising regularly, practicing breathing techniques, taking breaks, participating in fun, engaging activities and therapy are helpful ways to manage it.