Natural elements are more than beautiful bouquets and impressive crystal collections, they can also be used to help enhance your beauty routine, too.  

In fact, rose is in just about every step of my beauty routine as it is. I use rose foam facewash in the mornings, rose-infused witch hazel to tone, a rose serum to moisturize, rose water to set my makeup and rose cleansing wipes to remove it. It's no secret rose is an extraordinary anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. Rose offers a complex array of vitamins and minerals, is great for quenching dry skin, and offers astringent properties that help battle acne, redness and inflammation.  

So, when I learned I could use my rose quartz for a high-vibe facial promoting inner and outer beauty, I wasted no time bringing a small pot of spring water to a piping hot temperature. 

Much like roses, rose quartz crystals live up to their name. They are associated with unconditional love and care, healing and the heart center. Rose quartz, on a spiritual level, promotes a deeper self-love and compassion for others. On a physical level, it soothes the skin and creates a clearer complexion while contributing to good circulatory and heart health.

To test this theory I sat my rose quartz in a glass bowl with hot water, and to elevate my facial even more, I added rose petals, herbs and essential oils. I placed a towel over my head and allowed the steam to unclog my pores while my skin was suffused with herbal essences. The steam was wonderful for my skin and pores and adding the gemstone to the water created a facial highly charged with the crystal's metaphysical properties. 

The beauty of working with crystals is they affect both our internal and external wellbeing. In this instance, they worked to cleanse and clear my skin, gently remove impurities and support my skin's regeneration. 

I've made a habit of barricading myself in my tub surrounded by crystals for hours, but steaming my face with crystal-infused water is a quick and easy way to get that relaxing and illuminating experience in a fraction of the time.

It has been documented that the Ancient Egyptians used rose quartz in beauty rituals to preserve their youth. After trying the rose quartz facial steam for myself, I can imagine how the Egyptians must've felt carrying out such a beauty ritual—skin glistening like gold and nearly shimmering at dusk.

Would you give a crystal-infused facial a try? Let us know in the comments below.