Everything You Need To Know About the 12-3-30 Workout

By leah jones 

Running on the treadmill can feel arduous to the point that many dread this workout. However, the 12-3-30 workout was designed to make the treadmill more bearable and approachable.

The 12-3-30 workout is a popular treadmill workout designed by social media influencer Lauren Giraldo. It has gained popularity for its simplicity and effectiveness.

Giraldo shared this workout that she created one day on the treadmill via TikTok to motivate those who feel discouraged about physical movement.

Giraldo also claimed on TikTok that doing this workout five times a week helped her lose 30 lbs.

Set the treadmill to an incline of 12%. Set the treadmill speed to 3 mph (4.8 km/h). Walk for 30 minutes. (12% incline-3 mph-30 minutes)

What Does 12-3-30 Stand For?

Walking is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people of various fitness levels. Additionally, the incline and steady pace increase heart rate for cardiovascular benefits.

Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Walking at an incline can burn more calories compared to flat walking. The incline also engages muscles like the glutes, hamstrings and calves.

Burns Calories and Gain Strength

Doing this 30-minute workout 3-5 times a week can yield noticeable results.


Hamilton explained to Health that walking at a 12% incline can put extra strain on the lower back, hamstrings and calves.

Potential Downsides

Also, repeatedly doing the same workout without variation may lead to overuse injuries, such as shin splints or tendonitis. The body can also adapt to this workout and it could begin to feel monotonous.

Potential Downsides

There are benefits to the 12-3-30 workout but it does not suffice as a sole workout as it lacks upper body engagement, strength training and the benefits that come with walking outside on varied terrain.

Mix in other forms of cardio, strength training or flexibility exercises. Stretch, foam roll or do yoga to avoid tightness or injury. Stop if you feel pain and consult a professional if needed.


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