By ashley nash baltazar
During these winter months when school is out and holidays are plenty, enjoy this trivia for kids that is fun for all.
Q: What state first recognized Christmas? Q: What state has the most Christmas trees?
Alabama in 1836. Growing more than any other other state in the country, Oregon has the most Christmas trees.
A: Hanukkah traditionally has not always included gift-giving, but the festival was influenced by Christmas tradition. A: 44 candles burn during the eight-night tradition.
Q: When is Kwanzaa? Q: What are some of the symbols of Kwanzaa?
Dec. 21 - Jan. 1 The symbols include faith, unity, collective responsibility and creativity.
Q: How warm can it be and still snow? Q: What was the biggest snowflake on record?
40 degrees. 15 inches, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Q: How do snow monkeys stay warm in the winter? Q: Why don't Alaskan frogs freeze?
Soaking in natural hot springs. Unique chemicals in their bodies act as antifreeze.
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