7 Love-Filled Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids 

By ashley nash baltazar 

Valentine's Day isn't only for the lovers, but also for the bundles of love.

Enjoy these 8 love-filled crafts for kids with your children and youth within your community. 

With a host of old tissue rolls and a preferred color of paint, kids can create heart stampers and heart prints. Bending the roll into a heart and placing just enough paint along the edge creates a fun and festive experience. 

Cardboard Roll Heart Stamp

After creating a sketch of a heart, watch your kids use different colors to fill in your design using their bold imagination.

Heart Sunbusrt Watercolor Painting 

Mix a bottle of glue, a tbsp of baking soda and a tbsp of contact solution. Add in the glitter and color of your choice to make your own slime. Each step allows for the kids to customize it to their liking. 

Valentine's Slime 

With a package of paper plates, a pair of scissors, markers and or watercolors, cut plates into hearts for your kiddos and watch them decorate. Ask them to add their names then hang everyone's masterpiece on your family banner.

Family Banner 

After cutting small squares out of several sheets of colorful paper, watch your kids create a heart mosaic. You'll need to draw a sketch of a heart first and create a border around the edge of the page. 

Mosaic Heart

Create what will become a favorite for your kiddo around Valentine's Day. One large heart acts as the face, two upside-down hearts act as the ears. A heart cut in half can create the lighter shades around their eyes. 

Valentine's Day Fox Mask 

A final heart creates the nose at the bottom of the mask. Add a second round of cutouts to the edges along your kids' ears where you can place yarn for them to wear and remove their new Valentine's Day fox mask. 

A one-item craft, pipe cleaner hats make it easy for kids to get into the spirit of self-love this Valentine's Day. Bending the pipe cleaner into their name, or a heart to adorn their head like a crown.

Pipe Cleaner Hats

Test your trivia knowledge at the link below!

Winter Trivia for Kids