You went to bed feeling a bit tired, attributing it to a challenging week at work. However, hours later, you wake with chills, a fever, coughing, sneezing, and body aches. It’s evident that these symptoms aren’t just from stress . You start to think, “Am I coming down with a cold, or could it be the flu?” While a runny nose and sore throat are sure signs you are getting sick, knowing whether it’s a cold or flu can make a world of difference. The major differences between a cold and the flu Photo Credit svetikd The common cold is typically caused by the rhinovirus . That said, more than 200 different viruses can cause you to come down with what we know as a cold. It is also the most common infectious disease in humans that affects the upper respiratory system — the nose, sinuses, and throat. On the other hand, the flu is caused by the influenza virus. (Type A, B, and C). Like the common cold, the flu is highly contagious, and easily spread through the air or coming into contact with...
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