As the dead of winter continues, sitting down with a nice cup of tea seems more appealing than ever. If you love tea, we’ve compiled a list of things that are completely necessary to your survival during the colder months. Here are the 11 things every tea-lover needs to survive this winter!

This mini teapot tea infuser, available on Etsy for $4

This Panda Tea Set, which is so cute I can’t even bear it (do you see what I did there?). Available at Urban Outfitters for $42.

This Elephant Tea Mug, with a little compartment to hold your tea bag after it’s done soaking. Available at Urban Outfitters for $16.

This incredible ‘She, Myself, and I’ Travel Mug from ModCloth, which retails for $19.

Looks like Professor Trelawney is out of a job thanks to these Tea Leaf Reading Kits. They're Available for $23 from Uncommon Goods.

Get your initial on a tea-infuser. This one is Available on Etsy for $11.

Who says tea is just for drinking? These tub tea soaks are 100% necessary on a cold winter’s night. Available on Etsy for $9.

These chai ingredient dice that open up a whole new world of flavors to explore! Available on LeafCutter for $16.