There is nothing more exciting than starting a brand-new position. Career goals and taking your passions to new heights is always a reason to celebrate. Sometimes, though, reflection is needed to invite true peace of mind. These 33 journal prompts for starting a new job or chapter at work are all about guiding you to deeper self-awareness before your first day.

There are often more things to consider than your daily tasks when you start a new job. Some of these things include colleagues, managers, work-life balance, power dynamics, avoiding burnout, boundaries, office politics, home working environments, and so much more. Black women are often exposed to discrimination, silencing, and other societal biases. Beyond speaking directly with your working team, having a great support system, and speaking things through with a therapist, journaling is another worthwhile coping mechanism. It is also a useful way to express yourself and discover the unsaid emotions or observations that may be waiting to surface.

Read on to dive into these guided journal prompts to help boost confidence and awareness before the big day.

Best Journal Prompts before Starting a New Job

1. What are you most excited about with this new job?

2. How do you feel right now?

3. Describe the top three ways this job is going to benefit you/your career goals.

4. What first impressed you about the role/company during the interview process?

5. Nervousness is normal before starting a new position. How can you convert the nervous energy into something positive?

6. Will you using a new skill set or maintaining your skills from a previous role? How does this make you feel?

7. How will this role be different from your previous?

8. What did your last role reach you about boundaries in the workplace?

9. What are some positives that you experienced in previous roles that you’re excited to maintain?

10. Did you have conversations about being paid your worth with your new employer? How did that go?

The First Day

11. What was successful about this day?

12. What was a stand out about your first day in your new role?

13. What other observations did you make about your first day?

14. Who did you get on with most? Why?

15. Does the person you report to seem open and respectful?

16. Is the team dynamic aligned with your preferences?

17. What are you hoping to see more of as the days progress?

18. Is mental health and wellness something that seems to be a priority on your team?

The First Week

19. In four words, describe how you feel about the position after a week

20. What is your experience of the work-culture?

21. Do you feel welcomed and/or part of the team yet?

22. Have you been able to express yourself and style comfortably at work?

23. What have been your favorite morning routines before starting work?

24. What have been your favorite evening routines at the end of the day?

Past Reflections

25. What typically drains you when you are at work?

26. What are your life-givers when you are in a working environment?

27. Are you aware of when you’re most productive? Do you have autonomy to work this into your new role?

28. What is the vibe in your home environment?

29. Do you enjoy coming home from work to this space? If not, what changes are accessible for you to make?

30. How can you avoid being overlooked at work?

31. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? How do you know?

32. Do you feel able to be yourself at work? Describe why.

33. Write about the best memory you had where showing up as a Black woman at work felt easeful and respected

Being able to be yourself entirely and enjoy work is a necessity. Use these journal prompts for starting a new job to assess how you’re feeling and to confidently step into your new gig with a sense of empowerment.