For years, Serena Williams has dominated the tennis world. Not only is she a phenomenal player, but her legs are INSANE. Here are a few workouts that’ll give you Serena quads in no time. 

Glute Bridges

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet pressed firmly against the floor. Push your lower body upwards through your heels with your butt in the air and your upper body remaining on the floor. Extend as far as you can, then lower until you are back in the starting position. This is one repetition — try doing 15 repetitions for three sets. If you want to add weight, try using a barbell or a weight plate and do eight repetitions for three sets. 


Yes, good ol’ squats. Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart and, while bending your knees, lower your body until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Then push back up into a standing position. Make sure your knees stay in line with your ankles and do not go over your toes. This is one repetition, try doing 15 repetitions for three sets. If you want to add weight, try using a kettlebell or a barbell and do eight repetitions for three sets. 


Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your front knee is bent at 90 degrees, then push back up. This is one repetition. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time stepping forward with your left foot. Try doing 20 repetitions (10x for each leg) for three sets. If you want to add weight, use dumbbells, and do 12 repetitions (6x for each leg) for three sets. 


Standing in front of a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your right foot on the bench and step up. Once you are on top of the bench, step down one foot at a time. This is one repetition. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time stepping on the bench with your left foot. Try doing 20 repetitions (10x for each leg) for three sets. If you want to add weight, use dumbbells and do 12 repetitions (6x for each leg) for 3 sets. 

Photo: Borntoworkout