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Fall is slowly but surely ending, so why not prep our humble abodes with a little TLC this coming winter? From Black Velvet candles to Citrouille autumn candles, we have all the best cozy ones to add to your home space this season and next.
Adding a candle or a few into our living rooms, bedrooms and lounge rooms is the perfect way to invite the perfect dose of aromatherapy into our space. Candles are some of the best ways we can practice self-love methods by helping to reduce anxiety, stress and worry.
Below, we’ve got all of the best candles to shop for ahead of the cold winter season to better help you apply self-love practices within your life.

The dose of TLC you never thought you needed.
Hotel Saint Cecilia Candle x Lola James Harper

Sexy and sophisticated.

Opal spice and everything nice.