Meditation is a great practice if you’re looking for ways to reduce stress and anxiety or simply be more mindful. Seeking out meditation tips for beginners will help make the mind and body feel at ease while trying something new. Whether it’s techniques or posture, there are several ways to get started.

Find a Comfortable Space

Creating a comfortable and restful space to meditate makes all the difference. The space should ideally signal to your nervous system that it is safe and equipped to be at ease. Some tips include mood lighting, several cushions and any thing that makes for a cozy, comfy meditation room or corner.

Don’t Over-Commit

It is always a good idea to start small and then gradually make your way up to longer meditation sessions. Setting an alarm for 5 minutes initially and then gradually increasing with each session will take the pressure off.

Experiment with Meditation Music

One of the best meditation tips for beginners is to experiment with meditation music every now and again. This could be relaxing instrumentals, mantras, or even different frequencies. The range in meditation music may help you to get comfortable in your breathing rhythm.

Choose a Perfect Time of Day

This is a very important tip since not everyone is able to experience the peace of meditation at the same time of day. For some, morning meditations work best while for others, evening sessions aid them with a good night’s rest. An afternoon, or midday meditation session is also a great pick-me-up. Over time you might start meditating at multiple times of day.

Switch it Up with Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are a great way to offer some structure to your meditations. Finding meditations for a good night’s sleep or for positivity are great ways examples to switch up the meditation experience.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

If there is anything to ruin a meditation practice, it is trying to relax in clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable. Meditation is all about returning to peace, so choosing clothes that distract you from this is the opposite of what is needed. Opting for cozy clothes that help you tap into your inner world rather than reminding you of the external world could help to achieve this.

Focus your Attention/Breath

Some beginners find that bringing their awareness to a specific part of the body or energetic center helps make the session smooth. Whether you focus on your heart space or third eye and imagine a light that you can focus on, or simply have an image in mind behind closed eyes, the fixed point may be useful. In a similar way, some find that focusing the attention on breath counts and rhythm also can be super calming.

Let It Be

If you find yourself feeling guilty about not being able to ‘clear the mind of thoughts’, it’s totally OK. Try to avoid the shame around not meditating perfectly. If you find yourself overthinking instead of meditating, simply give yourself permission to let it be. Of all the meditation tips for beginners, this one speaks to the practice of self-compassion and understanding.

Slowly Transition from Your Meditation Practice to Life

Once your meditation has come to an end, it may seem tempting to move directly into your day-to-day activities. It might be better to let yourself easefully transition into the rest of your routine. Spend some time noticing how you feel, noticing the space around you, and even journaling what sensations and thoughts came up. Let yourself move as slowly as you desire.

Related: 5 Ways To Fit Meditation Into Your Busy Day