Angela Bassett and her husband Courtney B. Vance have been happily married for 23 years. The talented actress wrote an inspiring book called Friends: A Love Story, where she talks about her long friendship with Courtney before they fell for each other. Here, we'll talk about some of Angela's secrets to keeping her romance alive for over two decades. 

Don't Believe in Love at First Sight 

Angela and her husband, Courtney, didn't experience anything close to love at first sight. They met in college, and he was in a relationship at the time. In fact, in a 2007 appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, he admits to not remembering her at all. The two remained friends for years, and things didn't become romantic until decades later. When they went on their first date, Angela claims it wasn't memorable at all and that she wasn't going to give him a second thought. But, they had a second date, and their relationship started to take off. Their love story shows that love doesn't always have to be instant, and if it's meant to be, you and your soulmate will cross paths again in the future.

Make Sure the Person Is Right for You

Angela's number one piece of relationship advice is to make sure you marry the right person. While that's easier said than done, she advises that two people should have similar belief systems and recognize that each are their own individuals. This advice leads us to her next point: compromise.

Be Quick to Compromise

Angela admits that she and Courtney B. Vance don't always see eye to eye. "I want what I want, he wants what he wants, and sometimes they're not the same." But throughout their marriage, the couple has learned to compromise so that everyone is happy. Because they both have different strengths and weaknesses, they strengthen each other and make each other better by offering each other support, regardless of what they're doing.