Coping with anxiety can be tough, especially with the daily stresses of every day life, which is why it is important to have anxiety-reducing techniques.

Anxiety is described as a feeling of unease, stress, worry or fear and can vary from mild to intense. Anxiety disorders can come in the form of generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety and phobias. Unwanted anxiety-inducing moments can intensify low moods and deteriorate your health.

Challenging, traumatic or triggering events may disrupt your peace or cause the body to shut down. As an act of self-preservation, noting anxiety-reducing techniques may be super useful in maintaining balance for a healthy body and mind.


Making time for some good deep-belly laughter is something you can count on to lessen the grip of anxiety. Humor is one of the most effective ways to combat anxiety. Studies show that techniques, like laughter therapy, work to reduce anxiety. Having a strong sense of humor is one of the best ways to fight anxiety because laughter shifts the effects of stress and boosts the mood.


One popular anxiety-reducing technique is making use of body tapping. Tapping, which is an emotional freedom technique, is a combination of psychotherapy, somatic healing and acupressure. It involves identifying the emotion and then tapping or gently banging on various pressure points to alleviate stress and support the nervous system.

Take Time Away

It is never a bad take some time away. Whether it is closing the laptop to have some screen-free time away or scheduling unavailability into your calendar, it is important to be well-rested. Time out and taking breaks helps against anxious periods because being restless or sleep-deprived actually worsens anxiety. Use your break time to do a body scan and examine where stress is stored in the body. You can also step away from a situation or task to provide perspective and distance. This can also be achieved through journaling or therapy.

Sound Healing

Engaging in sound healing may help prevent anxiety from building up. Sound baths are often used to ease the body and mind by using frequencies to create a deep meditative state. Joining a sound bath meditation class at your local wellness center or participating online are two easy ways to get involved.

Eliminating Stressors

Taking time to assess and eliminate stressors is another great tool for reducing anxiety. Since environments can trigger you, one way to rid yourself of extra stress is to note the triggers of your stress. If you find your anxiety triggered by overloaded work tasks then shifting responsibility may be a necessary measure to take up with your colleagues or manager. Living in an area or neighborhood that is overly stimulating and highly stressful may be another thing to address.


Another anxiety-reducing technique to invite a sense of ease is self-massage. Knowing the various pressure points and massage styles to practice on yourself may significantly reduce anxiety. Hand massages are easy to discreetly do in public and can signal safety to the body and nervous system.


Different scents can do wonders for the mind and help soften the mood and reverse high anxiety. Research shows that certain smells activate a state of calm and allows the brain to unwind. Some effective scents for stress relief include lavender, rosemary, peppermint, ylang ylang and bergamot. A diffuser with your chosen essential oils or burning the incense or candles should bring greater ease into your day.

Breath Work

Reducing anxiety through breath work is another idea many people appreciate. Figuring out which forms may be best for you takes time. However, it is a useful tool to have in mind for bouts of anxiety. From walking meditations to kundalini, there are styles to serve everyone.