Suffering from a victim mentality can look like constantly blaming others for many of the experiences that take place in your life. From thoughts to daily patterns and behaviors, suffering from a victim mentality can take form in a lot of ways, however, we may not always realize the effect blaming others and the world around us has when it comes to accountability.

Holding ourselves accountable is crucial for living as our best selves, and if you’ve been suffering from a victim mentality, here are ways you can take your power back and hone in on your truth. 

Recognize  “Martyrdom” 

It can sometimes be easy for us to allow our egos to take over by always putting ourselves out to be the ”hero.” “Martyrdom oftentimes shows up as not taking responsibility for where we might have gone wrong in a situation. Recognizing this trait isn’t always the easiest thing to take accountability for, however, it’s crucial for bettering your relationship with others and the world around you. 

Forgive others for the way they’ve treated you and let go of the tension 

Forgiving others doesn’t have to be a public thing, and the way others may have treated us in the past definitely does not excuse their bad behavior either, however, forgiving others for the way they treated you is a great way to move on from the past and gives you the ability to control your own story. When you begin to forgive others for yourself, rather than holding onto pride, you can help ascend to higher levels of being in the process. 

Express gratitude 

Expressing gratitude means that you’re thankful for all of the experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today. Expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to help break out of a victim mindset, no matter what challenges are thrown your way. 

Forgive yourself 

Forgiving yourself can look like giving yourself grace for constantly blaming others. Sometimes, the root of the problem can also be us, therefore it’s important that you identify the ways you may have also contributed to a situation or experience. 

Change your focus by focusing on giving rather than taking 

When we find ourselves in a victim mentality we can also subject ourselves to constantly wanting from other people, whether it’s through an apology or wanting others to take responsibility, the facts remain the same. When we give rather than constantly take we can further put ourselves on a healthy path where we’ll always be on the receiving end of blessings. 

Taking your power back from a victim mentality can take hard work, however, you’ll thank yourself in the end for making a change within your life and therefore change those around you. 

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