Most people set their new year’s resolutions for January 1st, ready to begin the new calendar year as the most evolved and improved versions of themselves. Gym memberships skyrocket and bad habits are shed as people around the world attempt to align with their highest selves.
However, when these intentions eventually trickle off and old ways of being begin to creep in, it’s worth wondering: are you working against your own cosmic nature? With the astrological new year falling on a completely different date, should you consider celebrating new years in alignment with the planets?
When Is the Astrological New Year?
The astrological new year falls on the spring equinox, which is when the sun enters the zodiac sign Aries. The very first sign of the zodiac, Aries is associated with action, direction, assertion and motivation. This makes it the perfect energy to initiate your resolutions and spark lasting change.
Similarly, spring equinox also marks the time in which day and night are almost equal in length, as the days begin to get longer. With only more sun to look forward to, the balance of dark and light allots for a timely opportunity to reflect on your past season while welcoming in the next chapter. Nothing waters a new season of opportunity like gratitude for the peaks and valleys you’ve just survived.
How To Celebrate the Astrological New Year
If you’re ready to shift your ritualizing and celebrate the new year on the spring equinox, or simply want to do something to honor the change in season, here are some ideas.
Plant Seeds of Intention
As the astrological new year falls on the spring equinox, it’s the most aligned time to reflect on what flowers you’d like to see bloom and grow. Let your resolutions shape a garden you’re proud to tend to, from creative projects you want to work on to new health habits you’re ready to implement. Think of every intention as a seed that will slowly bloom into a beautiful flower bed, watering it with aligned habits and routines.
Spend Time Outside
Being that the astrological new year is directly tied to spring and daylight, honor Mother Earth by spending some intentional time with her. Even if it’s still a bit chilly outside where you live, bundle up and plan a picnic or outdoor activity that brings you joy. Visit the ocean if it’s accessible to you, or plant your bare feet on the grass to get some grounding in.
Buy Flowers
There are countless benefits to keeping fresh flowers on display in your home. It’s an offering of beauty and femininity, scientifically proven to positively impact your mood. Give the spring equinox its proper dues by bringing some fresh flowers into your home. You can even be intentional about the meaning behind the kind of flowers you display, choosing flowers that embody fertility, love or abundance.
Connect with Community
Nothing elevates manifestation potential quite like sharing your desires with loved ones who also want to see you thrive. Gather some of your best friends and ritualize together, taking turns sharing intentions for how you want to bloom in this next season of life. Similarly, you can also let go of everything you’re leaving in the past, writing down what you’re letting go on a piece of paper and (safely) burning it.