From astrology to human design, there are many ways to define and understand yourself more deeply. While people are all complex humans with fluctuating emotions, these pseudosciences can help you confront your own internal dialogue, the choices that you make and the circumstances you attract.

Within that, TikTok’s latest rave is auras, or a color that defines your energetic state. Your aura color can be any color from orange to blue. Whether you’ve been professionally told your aura color or want to guess what it may be by its description, here’s what your aura color says about you.

What Is An Aura Color?

An aura is a color energy that surrounds your physical presence, commonly studied in esoteric practices. It’s a luminous glow that extends from a few inches to several feet from the physical body. This colored emanation can enclose a human body, animal or object, also referred to as the subtle body.

Auras can be seen by those with heightened spiritual or psychic abilities, or by using specialized equipment. You’re not born with a set aura. It’s an aspect of you that changes over time, depending on a myriad of factors. Changes to your physical or emotional state can completely transform your aura from one day to the next.

Your aura color also can be indicative of which chakra color is most dominant. For example, if you’re in a confident place where you feel like you’re empowered and killing it in your career, your aura color could be yellow. This indicates a strong solar plexus chakra.

What Do The Aura Colors Mean?

Each person’s aura can fluctuate and may blend several colors at once, reflecting different aspects of their personality and emotional state. You may be a combination of several of these one day or purely one color the next, depending on the circumstances.


If you have a red aura, then you’re strong, energetic and fiery. There’s no aura color quite as loud as a red one. As a superstar in your own right, you stand out in the crowd no matter how many people there are. It is often associated with energy, passion and action. People with a red aura have drive, assertiveness and excitement. You may often land leadership roles or be constantly finding yourself in command.


With a blue aura, you’re calm, insightful and intuitive. People with blue aura often are the people others may come to for advice. A blue aura is usually found in those who are thoughtful and trustworthy. They may be able to see all sides of the situation and be perceptive enough to give fair judgement, which makes them a great friend and mediator.


Those who have an orange aura are creative, action-oriented and positive. Orange is the color of fertility, which means you’re always brewing with new ideas and enjoy bringing them to life. Orange auras represent creativity, joy and enthusiasm, so they’re usually popular people with a healthy social life. Those with an orange aura are vibrant and open-minded.


People with pink auras are kind, caring and loving. Pink auras are rare and typically means that you’re a sensitive soul who values love, art and peace. Artists and healers often have pink auras. Their natural gifts bring light into the world. Those around you may value you for your unconditional love and soft spirit. Pink aura people can be a calming presence to remind them to see the glass half full.


Yellow auras are sunny, charismatic and self-assured. An embodiment of the sun itself, yellow symbolizes intellect, optimism and clarity. You’re always going to see the bright side and have no problem pouring that back into everyone else’s cups. A yellow aura aligns with people who are cheerful and confident. They have never let their connection with their inner child die.


Those with a green aura are loving, compassionate and nurturing. Spending time in nature calms the nervous system, and you bring that same grounding energy to the people around you. Green represents balance, growth and harmony, which means that people with a green aura are often nurturing and empathetic. You make heart-centered decisions and breathe life into everything around you.

Purple or Indigo

Purple and indigo auras are intuitive, clairvoyant and empathic. It’s a color that connects with spiritual growth, creativity and transformation. Those with a purple aura are often the most spiritually powerful. Whether you’re aware of your gifts or experience them unknowingly, you’re more powerful than you may realize. People with these auras are imaginative, compassionate and open to new experiences.


White auras are pure, wise, and spiritually connected. While it is one of the less common auras, it means protection and spiritual enlightenment. A white aura represents a clear-minded, serene person. They typically are connected to higher consciousness.


Gray auras, which is another uncommon aura, is someone who is detached, indecisive or confused. A gray aura can indicate someone who is in a moment where they’re feeling uncertain or in need of clarity.


Brown auras are stable, reliable and grounding. People with a brown aura are typically ones you can count on to be consistent, as they’re practical, down-to-earth and dependable.


Rainbow auras are busy, energized and confident. A sign of openness, a natural drive for innovation and the bravery to take risks, those with this aura are too unique for there to be anyone else like you.