Thinking of compliments to give someone you care about can feel intimidating. You want to be authentic to who you are while also letting them know you have feelings for them. This might require you to step out of your comfort zone and pay close attention to this person’s likes and dislikes.

While verbal instead of physical, these compliments could still mean framing physical compliments in an endearing way. Here are the best compliments to give a girl to show you care. 

“Your creativity is on another level!”

Our creativity is almost always an expression of who we are. So, when it’s complimented, then essentially our essence is also being complimented.

“I’m proud of how far you have come and for never giving up.”

In acknowledging their strength, you are validating their experience and celebrating them for making it this far. So, kudos to you, too! 

“You make me feel safe.”

Without safety, relationships are stagnant. Complimenting someone in this way lets them know that you see a future together in which you remain connected. 

“I just automatically smile when I look at you.” 

That emotional connection is what allows a person to feel joy or happiness and react to the sight of someone they care about. Still, we’re visual people so that matters too. 

“You have the prettiest skin. How do you get it to glow like that?”

Finding a skincare regimen and doing it consistently is hard enough. Tie in actually achieving pretty skin, and you deserve a medal.

“I’m just a reflection of you.”

A girl who is intentional about being her best self and deserves that in return would love to receive this compliment. The things that they like about the person they care about is reflected in them. Very suave. Very sweet. 

a confetti decorated sign of a compliment: you are the best
Nataliya Vaitkevich 

“I like your nails!”

Showing an interest in her upkeep will definitely show you care. It’s the little things that are also the big things and noticing even a nail color shows that you care enough to pay attention.

“You’re so gorgeous.”

Going beyond “cute,” “pretty” or “beautiful,” you notice all that makes her gorgeous from her eyes to her hips to her lips down to how she acts and who she is. Take it there!

“I was just thinking about that time [insert cute/hot/sexy/lovey-dovey memory].”

Memories that make it into our favorites are essential. They point to an appreciated time and the desire to do it again. If it’s a sexy memory, include details about how she looked or what you liked best. Details go a long way. 

With this variety of the best compliments to give to a girl to show you care, you’ll be deepening your connection in no time.
