In modern day, screen time often competes with outdoor play. However, a new movement is gaining momentum among mothers: the “1000 Hours Outside” challenge.

What the Challenge is About?

This global initiative beckons families to spend 1000 hours outdoors each year. It’s not about extreme adventures or conquering daring feats. This challenge encourages families to engage in various outdoor activities. From strolls in the park to the exhilaration of sledding down snow-covered slopes, the challenge accommodates a spectrum of outdoor experiences.

Olivia Gillespie recognizes the value of outdoor time for her child’s well-being and believes that the challenge positively impacted her relationship with her son.

“The challenge allowed me to give him freedom to explore and lead his way with creativity,” she said. “He’s so independent and willing to take risks, but knows I’ll be by his side to help him. Behavior-wise, being outdoors gave him an outlet to release his toddler energy positively.”

Some of Gillespie and her son’s favorite activities are simple. They go for walks, bike rides and play in their backyard. “We also really love gearing up and going on hikes,” she said. “Kai’s absolute favorite activity is going to the creek and throwing rocks in the water.”

Benefits of the “1000 Hours Outside” Challenge

Moms, like Gillespie, are embracing the “1000 Hours Outside” challenge because its an opportunity for families to unplug from the digital realm. With the constant barrage of screens in modern life, mothers appreciate the chance to create tech-free zones and foster genuine connections with their children.

“If I hadn’t decided to participate in the challenge, I wouldn’t have pushed being outdoors as much,” Gillespie said. “Kai now asks to go outside no matter the weather. Overall, he would play outside, rather than sit in front of the [television,] and that’s a choice that makes me extremely happy.”

Physical and mental health is another benefit to the challenge. Whether it’s hiking, biking or playing tag in the backyard, the “1000 Hours Outside” challenge promotes healthy activities. It combats the sedentary lifestyle often accompanying modern living. Gillespie believes that it is important to instill active habits early on, setting the stage for a healthier lifestyle for her children.

The outdoors also serves as a classroom. Nature provides lessons for children to explore, fostering curiosity and a sense of wonder. Gillespie appreciates the educational value she finds in outdoor play. It offers her children a hands-on learning experience that complements formal education.

The challenge also promotes family bonding. Whether it’s a weekend hike or an evening stroll, these outdoor excursions create moments for meaningful conversations and shared experiences. “I participated in the “1000 Hours Outdoors” challenge because some of my fondest memories from growing up are playing outside, and I want my sons to [have] the same,” she said.