As a kid on summer break, you probably never told your parents that you were bored because they’d give you chores. Now, as an adult, you’d probably never admit to your boss that you are bored. Your boss might swoop in and start to micromanage or add new (and unwanted) responsibilities to your plate.
Every day at work you’re restless, distracted, scrolling your phone, and sometimes, you even take the occasional afternoon nap. There’s no shame. Everyone occasionally finds themselves in a rut and bored on the job. If you no longer have passion for your 9-to-5 (or perhaps you never did) and work isn’t challenging, it’s time to refocus.
Here’s how to inspire creativity when you are bored at work.
Create a Plan for the Future
While it’s easy to scroll the internet and watch random TikToks, utilize this slow time plan ahead. Create a plan or timeline for future work responsibilities. You can create a to-do list for the week, month, or, if you’re thinking big picture, the quarter. Focus on the granular tasks that make your role successful and that will set you up for future success.
Focus on Personal Development
When work is slow, lean into this time to learn and develop new skills. Use your time wisely and invest in yourself.
You might learn a new work program or brush up on the latest workplace initiatives. Read up on the latest industry news. Set aside time to connect with a senior colleague who can teach you something new. Brush up your resume or watch a professional webinar about your skillset or industry.
Work Ahead
Use the dull moments during the work day to get ahead on your work. Cross off your to-do list for tomorrow and make the end of your week lighter. You can also utilize this time to get ahead on administrative tasks you’ve been putting off. Clean out your inbox or schedule calls with colleagues. Refill the printer with ink and paper. Reserve a space for a team meeting or create an agenda for upcoming meetings.
This is the perfect time to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Take care of all the administrative tasks that can be easy to overlook.
Start a Side Project
If work is truly monotonous, use the quiet moments at work to begin a side project. Maybe it’s working on your own personal website or starting a blog. Maybe it’s updating your photography reel on social media and on your website.
Whatever your side project is, you can use the slow moments at work to invest in your passions. Of course, working on a side project will be easier if you work remotely. Sorry in-person professionals!
Lean In to Breaks
Don’t feel pressure to always be on-the-go. Lean into the slow moments at work. If you have done all of your work and have even planned ahead, it’s OK to take a break.
Go for a walk outside. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while or just close your eyes for an afternoon rest. Instead of frittering away, utilize the slower moments to recharge your personal batteries and rest.