The new year is a super popular time for people to set and zero-in on fitness goals. But if you find yourself skipping the gym less than a week into your resolution, it's time for a new approach. If you're hoping to make fitness and health a habit that's a part of your life, it's important to lock it into your daily routine early. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so that's a healthy way to approach your fitness journey. But don't worry — we're here to lead you through your first 21 days.

We teamed up with some of our favorite health and wellness experts to develop meal plans, workout routines and even healthy mindset changes in order to make your fitness goals a reality this year. 

Ariel Belgrave (also known as @GymHooky) is a certified health coach, fitness instructor and home workout guru. She's someone who's been dedicated to helping women incorporate healthy habits while balancing those things with their other responsibilities and interests.

Rich Bailey, the Co-Founder of GrpFit, is a fitness and nutrition expert who put together weekly workouts and meal prep workshops that will keep you on track (and will prevent you from stumbling through the grocery aisles, clueless on what is actually "good for you."

If you're ready to make a change in your fitness routine where you'll be active every day, track your progress in the GrpFit App, join in on weekly workshops, share your progress and potentially win the grand prize, join a group of equally motivated women who also want to change their lives and enroll here.