It’s summer, which means it’s time to switch into vacation mode. Hit that, “Do not disturb,” “Out of office,” or “Away from my desk.”  Whatever your word choice, you are off from work. Now that your bags are packed, you can mentally and emotionally check out and completely disconnect. To do this, you’ll have to make sure that everyone knows you’re off the clock and respects your boundaries. 

There’s nothing worse than your notifications pinging while you’re at the beach. Save those responsibilities for when you return to work. You want to be able to soak up your time sipping Mai Tais at the beach or playing with your kids uninterrupted. In a constantly connected world, it is possible to experience real R&R.

Set Your Phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’

To disconnect on PTO, it’s important to set your phone on “do not disturb.” This means silencing your notifications, alerts, and phone calls. This will help you minimize screen time while you spend time with my loved ones or alone.

Delete Work Emails and Apps 

If you are lucky enough to have a work phone separate from your personal phone, turn it off and tuck it away in a drawer. Out of sight, out of mind. If all your work communications are on your personal device, delete work emails and apps from your phone. 

If you leave them on your phone while on vacation, work communications will be just a click away. It will be tempting to tap into work updates and emails. Save yourself the headache and delete them before you head out of town.

Mark Yourself as ‘Away’ on Slack

If your company uses Slack, Microsoft Teams, or any other instant messaging app, set yourself as “away.” Otherwise, notifications will come through while you’re on PTO. Your coworkers might not know you’re on vacation and why you’re unresponsive. 

Schedule Automated Messages

In addition to blocking off time on your calendar, be sure to set an “I’m on break” message on your email. The automated message will go out to anyone who sends you an email while you are away.

If you’re jumping off social media, you can set up a fun “away” message there too. Sometimes, it’s just a simple post stating your social media hiatus. If you decide to stay active, limit the amount of time you’re spending by scheduling posts ahead of time with platforms like Planoly. 

Hide Devices 

Another tip to truly disconnect while on PTO is by storing your devices. This means tucking away your laptop and cell phones. Hide them away from your bedroom or other leisurely spaces. 

Opt for Analog 

If you are truly dedicated to disconnecting, say goodbye to digital technology and switch to analog. Utilize analog solutions such as a battery-powered alarm clock, a real camera, egg timers, and pre-written workouts.