Morning sickness and nausea are symptoms in the pregnancy journey. Nausea during pregnancy can occur at any time of the day and is most present in the first trimester. While it is a common part of the pregnancy journey, it can be tough to find relief.

Why am I Nauseous?

The Cleveland Clinic reports that 70 percent of women experience nausea during pregnancy. However, the actual cause remains widely debated. Some experts believe that it is a result of increased hormones.

Nausea during pregnancy is very common in the first trimester and usually lasts until the twelfth week. However, excessive vomiting and inability to keep food down may certainly be worth speaking to a doctor.

What an Expert Has to Say

Nina Snowden, an OB-GYN at MCW in Milwaukee Wisconsin, said that there are no definite foods that are proven to prevent nausea in pregnancy; however, through her experience, she notices specific foods that may have helped individuals throughout their pregnancy.

“Symptoms seem more pronounced when the stomach is empty,” she told 21Ninety in a recent interview. “Eating frequently (every 1 ½ – 2 hours) in small amounts will keep the nausea to a minimum.”

Another tip that Snowden suggested is to separate liquids from solids.

“If you drink something, don’t eat for at least 30 minutes,” she said. “On that note, citrus fruits and drinks usually contain too much acid.”

Snowden also mentioned that she recommends supplementing the meals with vitamins for those dealing with nausea.

“If you can tolerate prenatal vitamins, they should be taken daily with solid foods,” Snowden said. “Folic acid is recommended daily. This is available in the prenatal vitamins or may be taken separately. Additionally, Centrum, or two children’s chewable vitamins, may be taken daily, if other vitamins cannot be tolerated. [By taking the right dosage of] Vitamin B-6, 50-100mg twice daily, … [you may] decrease nausea.”

Outside of vitamin intake, Snowden suggests using motion sickness or sea sick bands. Drug stores and dive shops typically have these bands available for purchase.

Best Foods to Fight Nausea During Pregnancy

Keeping note of some nausea-fighting foods may keep you well-prepared for any surprise bouts of nausea. According to the American Pregnancy Association, there are some foods that are particularly good for fighting nausea.


Lemons are great natural remedies for nausea. Many women claim help that they help with pregnancy-related nausea. Lemon tea, freshly squeezed lemon juice, lemon infusions or sucking on a lemon are all things that may help with nausea.


Ginger is a renowned nausea reliever. It is likely that pregnant women will see results after a few days. Snowden suggests consuming foods and drinks containing ginger (i.e. ginger ale, ginger tea, and ginger snaps).

Crackers and Pretzels

Saltine crackers and pretzels are great for reducing nausea in the morning. Expectant mothers hoping to reduce the effects of nausea will want to increase carbohydrate and protein intake.

Flavored Popsicles

Flavored popsicles is another useful food for nausea. There are specific anti-nausea pregnancy popsicles gaining popularity in the market among pregnant women.

Other Tricks for Alleviating Nausea

With some changes in your diet, eating schedule and lifestyle, it is more than possible to get through this stage of pregnancy. The initial discomfort of pregnancy-related nausea becomes less of a hindrance.

Other things that expecting mothers should keep in mind is avoiding spicy or greasy food. It will be better to opt for plain vegetables and foods rich in vitamin B6. Some examples of B6-rich foods include salmon, tuna, eggs, chickpeas and avocado. Including a healthy mix of these foods will give you a good chance of overcoming nausea. B6 also comes in supplement and capsule form. Remember to ask your healthcare provider if it’s possible for you to take B6 supplements.

Once you’re clear on which foods to keep in your pantry and which ones to avoid, the next tip is to eat frequently. Nibbling or snacking lightly throughout the day is sure to ease the queasiness. Snowden adds that eating small amounts frequently should make nausea manageable or to a minimum each day.