Asking For A Friend w/ Elisabeth Ovesen is the newest podcast dedicated to creating a safe space for women to have candid conversations centered around the topics of love, sex, and relationships. Host Elisabeth Ovesen is a New York Times best-selling author, relationship columnist, and “self-love strategist” who shares valuable lessons learned from the triumphs and failures of her dating past. 

On each episode, Ovesen explores topics such as love bombing, body positivity, and polyamorous relationships, connecting it to a current cultural phenomenon and applying her out-of-the-box perspective. She also answers calls from viewers, and messages from social media followers who are in need of advice to improve their romantic relationships.

In the premiere episode, Elisabeth Ovesen dives deep into the topic of love bombing – “the manipulative practice where one partner lavishes grand gestures and constant affection on a new romantic partner in an effort to gain an upper hand in a relationship.” She shares how often it usually comes from the hands of a narcissistic partner, how it leads to effects such as gaslighting in a relationship, and the devaluation it usually causes on the other partner’s self esteem. 

Tune in as Elisabeth Ovesen shares her own personal experience with a love bombing partner, how one can detect the presence of love bombing through its three stages, as well as how victims can release the guilt it leaves with them; and finally, walk away better equipped for future romantic relationships.  

Check out the full episode below and be sure to subscribe!