Pregnancy might be blissful for some, but not all women are lucky enough to share the same fate. There is of course nausea and debilitating fatigue. We also can't forget about the annoying, achy heartburn and the formidable stretch marks. But what can you do about these symptoms? There are so many options out there, but what is safe to take? It's important to do your research, but spending hours researching every medicine and remedy is not always a good idea sis.

There is a possible, natural solution: The use of essential oils during pregnancy.

Now, some might say that using essential oils during pregnancy can be a bit controversial. However, loads of women seek out natural remedies during pregnancy because they want to avoid medications. These oils have become a popular choice among women searching for alternative ways to ease uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy. As always, you should talk to your doctor before starting anything new to make sure it is safe for both you and your baby.

Just like essential oils pass through the layers of skin, a few essential oil components may transfer to the placenta where they have a chance of affecting the baby. Those effects aren’t necessarily harmful, but how vital oils might impact pregnancy has not been subject to scientific study, so there’s little data out there in regards to adverse side effects. The lack of information out there leads some to avoid essential oils altogether, especially during the 1st trimester.

Bottom line: With proper use, essential oils can be a safe alternative for pregnant women. Before using any oil, always make sure it’s high quality and that is isnt laced with any synthetic ingredients. Unknown ingredients can boost the chances of adverse reactions in pregnant women.

So, how do essential oils work?

To relieve nausea

Lavender, chamomile, peppermint and ginger are the perfect oils to help with nausea and vomiting. Sniff them directly from the bottle, or sniff a cotton ball or tissue treated with a drop or two to help ease belly upset.

To soothe muscle aches

Top essential oils for this include Lavender,  ginger, chamomile and frankincense. Squeeze around 10-12 drops of essential oil to 2 tablespoons of base oil, like jojoba or almond oil and rub on the affected areas.

To treat hemorrhoids

To treat hemorrhoids, get your hands on some tea tree, cypress, geranium or lavender to help soothe swelling or irritation. Blend all three essential oils, and then apply the concoction directly onto the affected area with a cotton ball.

To improve sleep

As always, Lavender should be your go-to to aid in good sleep patterns. However, you can also try ylang-ylang oil, made from the flowers of the herb Cananga odorata genuine, to help with relaxation. Other options also can include mandarin and frankincense. Add your desired amount of essential oils to two tablespoons of distilled water in a spray mist bottle, and gently mist pillows before bed.

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