I swear by kombucha. I discovered the tasty beverage late in 2016. Prior to actually trying it, I associated kombucha with veganism, California and hippies. It wasn’t until I tried it that I started to get interested in what kombucha really was.
So…what is kombucha?
Kombucha is an effervescent, fermented tea. The tea can either be black or green, and is usually incorporated into diets for its many health benefits. While its exact origin is unknown, its creation is commonly attributed to Manchuria. Kombucha gained popularity in the US in the mid-1990s through grassroots channels, and was not available commercially. However, in recent years, there’s been a HUGE growth in the market for kombucha in the U.S. Now, you can find it at your local grocery store, Target, even on college campuses. Kombucha has a naturally occurring alcohol content — you have to be 21 to buy certain brands! However, most brands remove the alcohol content so it is available for purchase by anyone who is still interested in the health benefits.
Okay… so what does it do?
Kombucha contains a colony of bacteria and yeast which start the fermentation process once it interacts with sugar. After fermentation, kombucha becomes loaded with all sorts of vitamins, probiotics and stuff your body loves. Kombucha encourages intestinal and gut health, and because it is fermented tea, it’s a great alternative to your usual afternoon cup of coffee. The benefits are similar to other fermented foods (think apple cider vinegar) and yogurts (think healthy bacteria and probiotics).
So what’s the verdict?
Although some people dislike kombucha due to its strong taste, I love it. It keeps me regular (sorry, that’s the cold hard truth), gives me a boost of energy, and honestly just tastes good. It’s a great alternative to coffee, and because I’m lactose intolerant, it can be hard to get the probiotics and gut benefits of yogurt. It can be a little pricey (around $3-$5 a bottle), but alternatively, I spend around $4 for coffee at Starbucks. If you haven’t tried it yet, I would definitely encourage you to. I personally think it’s a great addition to any regimen or diet.