The start of Fall is one of the best times of the year! Fall fashion, comfort food, all things pumpkin spice (if you’re into that), and warm, neutral tones abound as we near the close of another year.
As a Career Coach, I often find that this is the time of year when people defer any goals they haven’t reached into the next year. It’s almost as if they think there will be no time for goal-setting in the coming months. After all, fall is the best time to binge-watch movies (Hocus Pocus, anyone?), enjoy the many decadent flavors of the season, go on trips, shop for bomb fall clothes, and…well, chill.
But, there’s more to fall than this. Fall is the perfect time to go harder toward your goals. The new year is just around the corner, which is an even better reason to round up the goals you set throughout the year, re-assess them and write down actionable steps you can take to meet those goals.
So, for those who need a little nudge in the right direction as we prepare to close out the year, I’ve rounded up 6 things you can do starting this October to slay your goals before we ring in the new year.
1. Write it Down
Manifest what you want in your life by writing it down. Practice using an assertive inner voice to note your goals as if you already know that they are going to come to fruition. For example:
I will complete each section of my business plan by November 1st.
I will get a job offer for the Sales Associate job with (Company Name).
I will cut my fast food intake in half, eating out two times or less per week.
These are just examples, but whatever you are trying to achieve should be written down in SMART terms – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. See more on setting SMART goals here.
2. Make a Plan
Failing to plan is planning to fail. You’ve likely heard this adage before, but if you haven’t, just know that making a plan can help to bring shape to your goal-setting process. Map out actionable steps you can take to increase your accountability and motivation. After all, there is just something so satisfying about checking items off your to-do list. Try making a vision board (Pinterest has hundreds of great ideas) to gather words and images that capture your plan.
3. Read a Book
Today, we find reading material in blogs, Instagram posts and various message boards, but don’t discount the value of curling up with a good book. You don’t have to read it all in one sitting to get the most out of it. Reading can help you tap into your most productive self, which empowers you to tackle your goals. Check out CurlBox CEO Myleik Teele’s list of favorite books here.
4. Set Aside Time for Self-Care
The better you feel, the more productive you are! Make time once or twice per week to do something for yourself that makes you feel good – get your nails done, soak in the bathtub, listen to music you like or meditate. Self-care looks different for everyone, so take some time to do what soothes your soul.
5. Get Moving
Nothing helps to move you toward slaying your goals quite like exercise. Take a walk, hit the gym, crank out some jumping jacks in your living room or head to a group exercise class to get your blood flowing. Exercise can also help you to think more clearly, generate good ideas that breathe life into your goals and produce positive thoughts about the future and your ability to shape it.
6. Set Up Meetings
Fall is a wonderful time for cozy meet-ups at your local coffee house or bookstore. If you already have a mentor, this is a great time to connect with them to discuss your goals (don’t forget to ask how they’re goals are coming along, too). It's also a great time to treat a potential mentor to coffee. Get to know them and how they've navigated their career and personal goals. Surrounding yourself with positive people (and great conversation) is enough to motivate you in setting and accomplishing your goals.
Hopefully, these 6 tips will not only help to get you in the right mindset to achieve your goals but will also help you to meet a few other goals along the way. If you want to get more active, tip #5 can help with that. If you find your stress levels are at an all-time high, tip #2 will be especially helpful. Perhaps this fall, you’re determined to expand your vocabulary and learn more about various topics – revisit tip #3. Essentially, this list of tips is packed with healthy activities that enable you to cultivate your goals and take excellent care of yourself in the process!