Choosing a name for your newborn baby boy is a deeply meaningful decision. The energy around a name will project onto your child, so it’s important to pick one that aligns with your values. For parents who love nature and want to infuse a sense of the natural world into their child’s aura, flower-inspired names are a fitting choice. While most people associate flower names for girls, many of these names are not only unique and beautiful, but also carry a distinct connection to the serenity and diversity of nature. That in itself should transcend gender.

Whether they’re embodying the resilience of a tree or the delicacy of a petal, nature is the best of both the feminine and the masculine. Consisting of strong, distinctive choices, here are 85 flower names for boys to consider:

45 Flower Names For Boys That Are Gentle And Powerful

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1. Aster

A Greek name meaning “star,” Aster is also a beautiful daisy-like flower.

2. Basil

Derived from the Greek word for “king,” Basil is also a fragrant herb.

3. Bay

A nature-inspired name that refers to a tree with aromatic leaves.

4. Birch

Named after the slender, elegant tree with distinctive bark.

5. Bluebell

A charming name inspired by the delicate blue flowers of the same name.

6. Briar

This name evokes the wild beauty of briar roses.

7. Buckeye

Named after the buckeye tree, which is known for its distinctive nuts.

8. Burdock

A unique name taken from the herbaceous plant known for its burrs.

9. Calix

Meaning “chalice” in Greek, Calix is also a term in botany referring to the sepals of a flower.

10. Cedar

A strong, evergreen tree that symbolizes endurance.

11. Chamomile

A soothing name derived from the daisy-like flower used in teas.

12. Clover

A charming name inspired by the lucky clover plant.

13. Cypress

A dignified name taken from the tall, slender tree.

14. Dandelion

A whimsical name inspired by the bright yellow flower.

15. Elm

Named after the majestic shade tree.

16. Fern

A graceful and ancient plant name.

17. Foxglove

A unique name taken from the tall, tubular flowers.

18. Garland

A name that evokes images of floral wreaths and festivity.

19. Hawthorn

Named after the hawthorn tree, which is known for its beautiful spring blossoms.

20. Heath

A nature-inspired name that refers to open, uncultivated land.

21. Heliotrope

A flower known for its pleasant fragrance and the name means “sun turner.”

22. Hickory

A strong and sturdy tree, making it a solid choice for a boy’s name.

23. Hyacinth

A fragrant flower name that is both elegant and unique.

24. Indigo

A name inspired by the deep blue dye derived from the plant.

25. Ivo (short for Ivy)

A short and sweet name derived from the evergreen climbing plant.

26. Juniper

A fresh and lively name taken from the juniper bush.

27. Kale

A leafy green vegetable that also makes a strong and simple name.

28. Larkspur

A beautiful and delicate flower, perfect for a unique name.

29. Laurel

A classic name inspired by the laurel tree, symbolizing victory.

30. Leaf

A simple, nature-inspired name.

31. Linden

Named after the linden tree, known for its heart-shaped leaves.

32. Lupin

A vibrant flower name that brings to mind colorful blooms.

33. Moss

A soft, green plant that grows in damp, shaded areas.

34. Narcissus

A beautiful and classic flower name.

35. Oak

A strong and timeless tree name.

36. Oleander

A beautiful flowering plant known for its resilience.

37. Orchid

A delicate and exotic flower name.

38. Pansy

A charming and colorful flower name.

39. Peony

A name inspired by the lush, large blooms of the peony flower.

40. Petal

A sweet and gentle name inspired by the parts of a flower.

41. Pine

A fresh and evergreen tree name.

42. Primrose

A delicate and early-blooming flower name.

43. Reed

A nature-inspired name that is both strong and flexible.

44. Reedus

A unique variant of Reed.

45. Rowan

A name inspired by the rowan tree, known for its red berries.

40 Unique Flower Names For Boys You Won’t Commonly Hear

46. Rue

A short and sweet name derived from the herb.

47. Sage

A wise and herb-inspired name.

48. Sequoia

A grand name inspired by the towering trees.

49. Sorrel

A plant name with a sharp, tangy flavor.

50. Spruce

A fresh and evergreen tree name.

51. Stonecrop

A unique name inspired by the hardy succulent plant.

52. Sumac

A name taken from the flowering plant known for its vibrant color.

53. Tansy

A bright and cheerful flower name.

54. Thistle

A spiky yet beautiful flower name.

55. Thyme

An herb name that is both simple and timeless.

56. Tulip

A name inspired by the elegant and colorful spring flower.

57. Verbena

A charming name taken from the flowering plant known for its clusters of blossoms.

58. Vervain

A name inspired by the flowering plant with medicinal properties.

59. Violet

A classic flower name that is both delicate and vibrant.

60. Willow

A graceful and flexible tree name.

61. Wisteria

A beautiful and cascading flowering plant.

62. Yarrow

A medicinal plant with feathery leaves and clusters of small flowers.

63. Zephyranth

A unique and exotic flower name.

64. Aven

A simple yet elegant name inspired by the flowering plant.

65. Cosmos

A name inspired by the beautiful, orderly flowers.

66. Heather

A name taken from the flowering evergreen shrub.

67. Jonquil

A type of daffodil, this name is both unique and charming.

68. Lupine

A variant spelling of Lupin, a vibrant flower name.

69. Marigold

A bright and cheerful flower name.

70. Quince

A name inspired by the flowering quince plant.

71. Reed

A nature-inspired name that is both strong and flexible.

72. Shea

An herb name that is simple and elegant.

73. Sorrel

A plant name with a sharp, tangy flavor.

74. Sycamore

A strong and enduring tree name.

75. Tansy

A bright and cheerful flower name.

76. Torrey

A name inspired by the Torrey pine tree.

77. Valerian

A flowering plant known for its sweet-smelling flowers and medicinal properties.

78. Watson (after Watsonia)

A name inspired by the flowering plant.

79. Xeranthemum

A unique and exotic flower name.

80. Yucca

A name inspired by the tough and resilient plant.

81. Zinnia

A vibrant and colorful flower name.

82. Calan

A name inspired by the Calla lily.

83. Alder

A name taken from the alder tree, known for its strength.

84. Florian

A classic name meaning “flowering” or “blooming.”

85. Garland

A name that evokes images of floral wreaths and festivity.