Now that the summer is here, it’s time for some summer lovin’, to have us a blast! Hinge did the research just for the singles ready to mingle, on what this year’s dating trends are looking like. The number one trend: no alcohol.

You read that right. It’s time to put down the margarita and pick up the idea of sober dates! In the new study, a majority of global hinge singles would rather not drink on a date this summer. This is the introduction of the newest trend: zero-proof dating (a date without alcohol.)
Many singles desire to zero-proof date for several reasons. You are more able to create real connections with your date while you’re sober and not base the connection off of who you both are while you’re intoxicated. It’s also not the best first impression to be intoxicated on the first date. Two in three Hinge daters say it would be a dealbreaker if a date drinks too much on a first date.
So now what? We’ve gone all these years dating around with a drink in our hand. Where do we go that doesn’t involve alcohol. Rest easy friends, Hinge got us covered with a list of bare-proof date ideas.
A Comedy Show

Laughter can easily “take the edge off.” Laughing releases oxytocin, which allows us to ultimately feel better and be more comfortable. Which in turn, makes us trust the other person more. What better way to do this than watching your favorite stand up bit?

What better way to bond with a person than for you to both embarrass yourselves together? You both can either battle it out to see who can hit those notes the best (or worst) or duet it out!
Live Performances

A play or concert is definitely the way to go if you’re both into activities as such. It’s also a great way to have conversation after the show as there will absolutely be much to talk about.
Get creative! The list of first dates are endless and your imagination can take you far. Zero-proof dates are in and we’ve got faith in you that you won’t need that liquid courage to win them over!