Our hair is one of the biggest ways that we can truly make a statement, and we all love to use it as a bonus accessory to our outfits, especially on special occasions. However, it’s important to make sure we take good care of both our hair and scalp, especially if we are using heat treatments and more during styling. Read on to discover some top ways to use tea tree oil for hair as part of your hair care routine.

What is tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil is a compound found in the fresh leaves and wood of a tea tree shrub. It’s extracted using steam distillation. It’s a gentle product and has many uses from household cleaners to cosmetics and skin products; thanks to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. It’s also a great product to use on your hair, and you can read on to find out why.

Why should you use tea tree oil for hair?

Now that you know what tea tree oil is, you can already see that it has some great properties which make it perfect for many different uses. Here we’ll share our top four reasons using tea tree oil for hair care is a good idea:

  1. 1. Tea tree oil is a natural, plant-based product, and thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties it is ideal for helping to maintain a clean and healthy scalp.
  2. 2. As tea tree oil moisturizes hair and prevents a build-up of excess oil on your scalp. This also makes it perfect for soothing a dry and itchy scalp and treating seborrheic dermatitis.
  3. 3. Tea tree oil also has anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties. This means it is very effective when used to treat dandruff, as it fights the fungus which causes dandruff.
  4. 4. Thanks to its effectiveness in treating dry skin and dandruff, tea tree oil can clear the follicles and allow your hair to breath. This improves the health of your scalp, and although it won’t cause your hair to grow quicker, it does create better conditions to facilitate hair growth.

4 ways to use tea tree oil for hair

There are four simple ways to use tea tree oil as a part of your everyday hair care routine, without needing to apply it directly to your hair and scalp.

  1. 1. You only need a few drops of pure tea tree oil in your favorite oil product for it to be effective. Add it to a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil. Shake it to mix it well, then use it to massage your scalp several times a week.
  2. 2. Once a week, heat a few drops of tea tree oil in your chosen carrier oil on the stove-top. Taking care to ensure the oil is warm and not hot, massage it into your hair and scalp. Allow this to sit for around thirty minutes and then rinse it out.
  3. 3. Use tea tree oil for hair refreshing. Simply add 5 drops of tea tree oil to a bottle of water with a spray lid. Spray this mix over your hair and leave it on.
  4. 4. If you’re hoping to treat dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, add around 15 drops of tea tree oil to your normal shampoo bottle. Simply use this as you normally would wash your hair.

Now you not only have some top reasons to use tea tree oil for hair, but some easy steps to follow to do so.

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