If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI,) you understand that the thing you want the most is for the burning, painful feeling to just be gone already. UTIs impact 400 million people every year, and some people get them repeatedly. With antibiotics, a UTI can go away in about 24 to 48 hours. Without, expect several days to a week. But what if you want to get rid of a UTI fast?

While antibiotics are typically the go-to treatment, there are several home remedies and lifestyle changes, like drinking water and knowing the best way to wipe, that might help alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of a UTI fast.

Nothing in this article constitutes medical advice, and it is not written by a licensed medical professional. For best results, we recommend consulting a doctor and following their advice.

Hydration is The Key 

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most effective ways to flush out bacteria from your urinary tract. Staying hydrated helps dilute your urine and ensures that you urinate more frequently, which can help wash out the bacteria causing the infection. Your goal should be to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Include water-rich foods like watermelon, soups, oranges, and lettuce in your diet to up your overall intake, but don’t use those as a replacement for chugging a few glasses. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you. Increased fluid intake can reduce the concentration of bacteria in the urinary tract, helping to alleviate symptoms and promote faster recovery.

If you want to make yourself pee quickly, drink quickly. When you’re drinking to hydrate, you want to pace yourself and spread out your recommended ounces throughout the day. That’s not the case here – drinking quickly will kick your kidneys into overdrive and speed up the production of urine. That’s part of why drinking tons and tons of water is one of the best ways to treat a UTI fast.

Urinate Frequently

In conjunction with the above advice, the best way to get rid of a UTI fast is to flush out your urinary tract. Emptying your bladder frequently helps to sort of ‘rinse’ out bacteria, preventing it from multiplying. If you have to go and are in a position to do so, go. Holding urine for long periods creates an environment where bacteria thrives. Make a conscious effort to urinate every two to three hours, even if you don’t feel the urge. Always empty your bladder completely to ensure that no bacteria is left behind.

Take Probiotics to Fight UTI Bacteria 

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in your body. They can support your immune system and help prevent UTIs. Include probiotic-rich foods in your diet, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Greek yogurt especially has plenty of live active cultures within, which may lend a hand in your urinary health.

Consider taking a probiotic supplement if you’re not getting enough from your diet. In case you didn’t know, probiotics can help maintain a healthy urinary tract and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Does Cranberry Juice Actually Help?

Cranberry juice is an often-suggested home remedy for UTIs. There’s a little bit of a foundation to this idea: cranberries contain compounds called proanthocyanidins, which might prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. Choose unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry supplements that contain at least 36 milligrams of proanthocyanidins, and take it daily.

However, take this with a grain of salt – there’s not a lot of scientific evidence that cranberries, or cranberry juice, can actually help cure a UTI fast beyond the anecdotal. A review of 24 studies investigated how much these products helped treat or prevent infections revealed that they did not have a significant impact beyond the purely anecdotal. A few showed small impact, but the amount you’d need isn’t sustainable.

That said, there’s one way in which it might help: helping you go to the bathroom. When you urinate more, you’ll help flush out the bacteria that’s causing the infection. It’s best to do this with water, but if you struggle to get your H20, adding a bit of cranberry juice might make it easier to take in.

Use Garlic to Fight UTIs

Garlic has natural antimicrobial properties that can help fight off bacterial infections, including UTIs. Incorporate fresh garlic into your meals, such as in soups, salads, and stir-fries. You can also take garlic supplements if you prefer. Garlic’s antimicrobial properties can help reduce the severity of a UTI and promote faster recovery.

An old wives tale suggests you could stick a clove of garlic down there and let the antimicrobial effects do their thing topically for both UTIs and yeast infections. To put it simply: don’t do this. Garlic is not a reliable topical treatment, and you’re liable to make your UTI worse by sticking an allium between your legs. Plus, what a waste of good garlic!

Practice Good Hygiene 

Maintaining good hygiene is essential for preventing UTIs and promoting faster recovery. Wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent the spread of bacteria from the rectum to the urethra. Wash your genital area daily with mild soap and water – or, just with water. Avoid using harsh soaps or hygiene products that can irritate the urethra. Good hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of bacteria and reduce the risk of recurrent UTIs.

Avoid Products That Can Irritate Your Skin

Certain products and habits can irritate the urinary tract and exacerbate UTI symptoms. You want to avoid using spermicidal products, as they can increase the risk of UTIs. Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol, as they can irritate the bladder. Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing to reduce moisture and prevent bacterial growth – put on cotton underwear or, if you can, go commando. Avoiding irritants can help reduce discomfort and promote faster recovery.

Seek Medical Attention For UTI

While home remedies can be helpful, it’s important to seek medical attention if your symptoms persist or worsen. If you experience severe pain, fever, or blood in your urine, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding the use of antibiotics and other treatments. Seeking medical attention ensures that you receive appropriate treatment and reduces the risk of complications.

Can You Clear a UTI in 24 Hours?

If your UTI is extremely mild, you might be able to cure it in 24 hours by drinking a lot of water, urinating often, and wearing breathable underwear – or none at all. However, in more moderate to severe cases, the only way you’ll treat a UTI in 24 hours is by taking antibiotics. There are over-the-counter pills you can take, like AZO, Uristat or generic drugstore brands, that might speed things along.

Getting rid of a UTI fast requires a combination of home remedies, lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, medical treatment. Remember, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment.

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