While remote and hybrid work have become the norm in recent years, many workers are still figuring out how to best optimize their at-home work spaces. There are do’s and don’ts for remote work. Prior to the pandemic, one in five employed adults in America worked remotely. In the last four years, that number of US employees working remotely has increased to 35%.

There’s nothing more invaluable to WFH employees than a designated workspace that helps them stay focused. Check out this article on how to optimize your workspace for productivity.

Create a Designated Workspace

While it might be tempting to work from your bed or couch every day, this might not encourage your productivity. Setting up a designated workspace with items like a lamp, a monthly calendar, pens, a notepad, and a ring light (for video calls) will help you focus and concentrate throughout your day. Don’t be afraid to add a little or a lot of creative flair and make it your own.

Work in a Place With Optimal Lighting

Natural lighting is always a win. Compared to artificial lighting, natural lighting is known to increasingly improve alertness and productivity. It’s no wonder that time out in the sun can increase your energy levels. When creating your at-home workspace, have your desk face a window so you always have some natural light streaming in throughout the day.

Add Workout Equipment to Your Space

It’s important to take breaks from work, even when you are working remotely. Take some time on your lunch break or afternoon break to get your blood flowing and your heart pumping. Perhaps your at-home office space can double as an at-home gym! Add some free weights, a yoga mat, an exercise ball to your space and make exercise a part of your daily WFH routine.

Add Some Greenery to Your Workspace

Having plants in your home is actually good for your mental health. Houseplants are known for boosting not only your mood, but also your creativity, your focus and your productivity. They even help remove toxins from the air and increase the flow of oxygen.

Fill Your Home With Natural Scents

There’s nothing like the smell of the great outdoors. Whether you choose to have an oil diffuser or candles, an ideal scent creates a workspace that is conducive for work.