Are you procrastinating your way to your success? Let's be honest, the bigger the goal, the more people tend to overthink the process of entrepreneurship. Procrastination is natural, But it doesn't have to be your reality in 2021. I used to be guilty of creating plans + strategic ideas and not showing up in full effect for my business. Perhaps, I recently broke that habit in 2020. Now I am showing up every day and knocking down every door that has my name on it. I want to share some of my healthy habits when planning, executing and tackling some of those biggest fears in entrepreneurship. Grab your pen and pad!

Break procrastination. This is not your reality.- Tianna Jenkins

10 healthy habits to adapt as An entrepreneur

  • 1. Identify the areas of your business where you procrastinate the most.
  • 2. Affirm and command procrastination to let go of my entrepreneurship journey.
  • Say the following affirmations to yourself for a minimum of 21+ days
  • I will no longer procrastinate my way toward success.
  • I will execute my goals effectively without unnecessary distractions.
  • I will attract healthy habits because I will speak life into my brand.
  • I will show up and operate my business like a 6-7 figure corporation.
  • I will use my authority to build a successful business.
  • I will labor my fruits and plant my presence around purposeful opportunities.

3. Stay away from those super long to-do lists because it can become overwhelming! Instead, write your five small goals first and identify your action plan for each one. As you knock out those smaller goals, start introducing a couple of big goals to your list. In reality, you can start with your smaller goals and work your way up to your bigger goals a lot faster than you think.

Having a to-do list with no action plan is like having a GPS with no directions installed onto it.- Tianna Jenkins

4.  Get an earlier start in the morning to prevent procrastination. For me, when I wake up earlier than usual, I get straight to a few of my goals, and I accomplish those goals for the day. If I wait too long after I wake up, I will not feel as dedicated to tackling my to-do list.

5. Even if you're not a breakfast person eating a balanced breakfast in the morning can make a difference in how our bodies perform throughout the day, especially while we are running our business.

6. The burnt-out out entrepreneur narrative is real. Business anxiety is real. Business depression is also real. It took me several panic and anxiety attacks to finally be easy on myself. My advice is to show yourself some grace, too, and remember to take a break when needed.

7. Invest in a whiteboard or a business journal to write down your goals. Seeing your goals on a whiteboard is better than seeing them on paper. Paper can get lost and sometimes become unorganized.

8. Utilize working in different environments to build up more inspiration into your workspace.

9. Take vacations and network more. When you attach yourself to like-minded entrepreneurs, your work ethic can increase, and your knowledge can increase in value. Times have changed, and everything is taking place virtually, so you don't have to go out of town and break the bank to travel for events.

10. Stay consistent and having tunnel vision in your industry. Staying consistent is repeating these healthy habits daily until you no longer need them. 

When you practice breaking bad habits, the beginning stages are practice. Once you master breaking, it becomes routine.- Tianna Jenkins

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