I am 25-years-old, I work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I am still pursuing my Bachelor's degree via online courses in eight-week increments. It can all be so overwhelmingly difficult, but I am determined to get this education, okay?! 

Though at times quitting seems like a viable option, getting through college while full-time "adulting" is possible. Here are five tips to help you get you through this upcoming semester:

1. Master the art of Multitasking: 

You have to find a happy balance between your work life, your social life, your personal life and your academic life. Learn how to prioritize your time wisely. You have to work 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., then pick up your kids from practice at 5 p.m. (not me), cook dinner, do the laundry, etc. The last thing you want to do is open your laptop and have to respond to at least two of your classmates' discussion posts on why they believe pollution is harmful to the ecosystem. But in order to meet your assignment deadlines and stay on track with your classes, you have to dedicate time. That does not mean you have to neglect your other responsibilities (because you're an adult, remember?), it just means you find a way to incorporate school into your other day-to-day activities.

2. Study, Study, Study: 

Studying is crucial (although let's be honest, you search for the answers on Quizlet). Finding the answers online may help you ace the quiz, but what happens when your final exam consists of five essay questions and you only have an hour to finish? Quizlet can't help you with that. When you are studying, find a place that works best for you. Maybe you prefer loud environments. However, I think quiet spaces are the best, like my room or a coffee shop at a not-so-busy hour. I also like listening to music while I am studying, but I try to make it a habit to put away my phone and not be near the TV while studying. The less distractions, the better.

3. Take frequent (but not too many) breaks: 

Sometimes you just need a minute to refocus and recharge. Go out with some friends, have a few drinks, invest in a new hobby, spend time with your relatives and do anything you can to de-stress. Don't wait until Thanksgiving or Christmas. It's fine to take a break from school because your life most certainly does not revolve around it. So, frequently escape the hectic online college courses by doing things you love to do and briefly disregard the heavy course load. It should refresh you and motivate you to work harder. But make sure to keep the breaks to a minimum.

4. Find accountability partners: 

Who is on your side, cheering you on? You need to surround yourself with people who not only understand what you are going through, but who genuinely want to see you succeed at the things you pursue, such as your education. Avoid people who discourage you or entice you to quit. When you allow yourself to be around people who inspire you to keep going, you are more likely to keep going despite how challenging it may get.

5. Encourage yourself: 

I know you already feel like you've been left behind and you're concerned with the student loan debt you're accumulating, but if there is anyone that should be cheering you on, it's yourself. If you have to give yourself a pep talk, give yourself a pep talk. I've learned that if you speak what you want and believe that you have what you want, it will come into existence. If you want to finish college and you believe you can, and will, then speak it into existence! You will only get as far as you allow yourself to go. Remain hopeful and finish strong! 

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