Pregnancy places immense physical demand on the body, even as a natural process that’s occurred throughout human history. Though beautiful, carrying a child remains intensely taxing. Thankfully, various resources help alleviate discomfort for expecting mothers. One such solution – the pregnancy pillow

Specially designed for expecting women’s needs, pregnancy pillows aim to facilitate rest by easing aches resulting from shifting gravid shape. Getting acquainted with these specialized supports can seem confusing initially, though. So, what exactly is the right way to make use of the pregnancy pillow’s tailored ergonomic design? Here is everything you need to know

Types of Pregnancy Pillows

Firstly, there are four main types of pregnancy pillows. They include:

  1. Full-length body pillows: These are long pillows that can be curled around the body to support the back, hips, knees and belly simultaneously.
  1. C-shaped pregnancy pillows: These are shaped like a letter “C” and are designed to support the back, bump and knees. They can be positioned to provide support on one side of the body.
  1. U-shaped pregnancy pillows: These pillows form a “U” shape and offer support for the entire body. This includes the back, hips, knees, neck and head.
  1. Wedge-shaped pillows: These are small triangular pillows that can be placed under the belly, back or between the knees to provide targeted support.

Some pregnancy pillows are inflatable, allowing the user to adjust the firmness or softness of the pillow to their liking. Additionally, you can find multi-use pregnancy pillows. After pregnancy, they can double as nursing or regular body pillows. 

All of these pillows sound helpful in theory, but there is still a correct way to use them so you are getting the support and relief you need. Here is how to use a pregnancy pillow relative to the four most common kinds. 

How To Use A Full-length Pregnancy Pillow

Full-length body pregnancy pillows are versatile and can be used in various ways to provide support and comfort to the part of the body that needs it the most. The aim is to support your back, belly, hips and knees to alleviate discomfort and promote better sleep during pregnancy.

  1. Supporting the back: Place the body pillow behind your back while lying down in bed. This helps support the back and can alleviate discomfort.
  1. Supporting the belly: Wrap the body pillow around your front, positioning it under your belly. This helps relieve pressure on the lower back by supporting the weight of the belly.
  1. Supporting the hips and knees: Place the pillow between your knees to align your hips and reduce strain on the lower back. This can also help with pelvic alignment and discomfort.
  1. Full-body support: Curl the body pillow around your body, with one end supporting your head and neck, the middle part supporting your belly, and the other end between your knees or supporting your back.
  1. As a barrier: Some people use full-length body pillows as a barrier to prevent rolling onto their back while sleeping, often recommended during pregnancy.

How To Use A C-shaped Pregnancy Pillow

C-shaped pregnancy pillows are designed to provide support to different areas of the body, particularly the back, bump and knees. Here’s how you can use them effectively:

  1. Back support: Place the curved part of the C-shape pillow behind your back while sitting or lying down. This supports your lower back and helps maintain a more comfortable posture.
  1. Belly support: Curl the open end of the pillow around in front of you, resting your belly and allowing the curve to cradle the bump. This helps relieve pressure on the abdomen and lower back.
  1. Knee and leg support: Use the lower curve of the C-shape pillow between your knees to align your hips and thighs. This can reduce strain on your lower back and hips by promoting better spinal alignment.
  1. Body positioning: You can adjust the pillow’s placement and angle to find the most comfortable position for you. This includes sitting up, reclining, or lying on your side.
  1. Versatility: Some people also turn the C-shaped pillow around and use it as a headrest. It may also provide neck support while sitting up or reading in bed.

Remember, the aim of using a C-shaped pregnancy pillow is to provide support and alleviate discomfort in various areas simultaneously. Experiment with different positions and angles to find the arrangement that offers the most comfort and support for your specific needs during pregnancy.

How To Use A U-shaped Pregnancy Pillow

The U-shaped design allows for comprehensive support, making it a popular choice for pregnant individuals seeking full-body comfort and relief from various pregnancy-related discomforts. Adjusting the pillow to suit your unique needs and preferences will ensure you get the most out of its supportive benefits.

  1. Full-body support: Lie on your side and position the bottom curve of the U-shape between your legs, allowing it to support your hips, thighs, and knees. This alignment can relieve pressure on your lower back and hips.
  1. Back support: Curl one end of the U-shape behind your back and bring the other end in front, allowing it to support your belly. This provides back support and helps to prevent rolling onto your back during sleep, which can be uncomfortable during pregnancy.
  1. Head and neck support: The top curve of the U-shape can be used to support your head and neck, similar to a regular pillow. This helps maintain proper spinal alignment and reduces strain on your neck and shoulders.
  1. Adjust for comfort: You can adjust the position and height of the U-shaped pillow to find the most comfortable support for your body. Some may prefer to tuck one end under their head, while others might find it more comfortable to hug the top curve of the U-shape.
  1. Versatility: U-shaped pregnancy pillows can also be used for sitting up in bed or on a couch. They can provide back support while you’re reading, watching TV, or nursing after the baby arrives.

How To Use A Wedge-shaped Pregnancy Pillow

Wedge-shaped pillows are smaller, triangular pillows that can be used in a variety of ways to provide targeted support during pregnancy. Experiment with different placements and angles to find what works best for you and provides the most relief from pregnancy-related discomforts. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  1. Under the belly: Place the wedge-shaped pillow under your belly when lying on your side. This helps support the weight of your abdomen, relieving strain on your back and hips.
  1. Behind the back: Use the wedge pillow to support your back while sitting or reclining. This can help alleviate lower back pain by providing additional lumbar support.
  1. Between the knees: Placing the wedge pillow between your knees while sleeping on your side can help align your hips and reduce pressure on your lower back and pelvis.
  1. Under the bump during sitting: When sitting for extended periods, placing the wedge pillow under the bump can help take some pressure off the lower back and provide additional support to the abdomen.
  1. Versatile support: Wedge pillows can also be used for other purposes, such as elevating your legs to reduce swelling or as a makeshift support for various body parts as needed.