Knowing if someone is truly into you can sometimes be hard to tell, however, it’s never really as hard as you think. Knowing if someone is really into you should be crystal clear, yet sometimes it’s not always clear when we’re trying to date in a time that has stricken the dating community in a huge way. 

If you’ve come across this article, chances are that you are in need of clear and concise signs to know if a guy is really into you, and we’re here to help solve any questions that may be circling through your mind when first getting to know a significant other. 

Even when they’re busy, they still reach out to you to keep connecting 

Let’s be clear, we’re all adults out here working to keep the water running, however, it can sometimes be confusing whether or not an 8-hour text back means that they’re still interested or if that 8-hour text back even deserves a response! 

Despite whatever may be going on in their day, one of the clearest signs to know if someone is interested, is if they still make an effort to text you back during their busy day. If someone takes days or weeks to respond, this is a clear indication that they probably aren’t that into you, but don’t let this stop you from pursuing other options that are willing to prioritize you and your time. 

They make clear eye contact and are genuinely interested in what you have to say 

We’ve all heard the saying “The eyes are the gateways into the soul, and in this case, this is the truth! 

Eye contact is a huge indicator whether or not someone is into you. The way a guy makes an effort to look at you while you’re talking means that they are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Subtle indications such as leaning in gently and “pointing their toes” at you, are also ways to know if someone truly likes you or not. 

They limit contact with their phone when you’re out on a date 

If your significant other limits phone contact when they’re out with you, this is a clear sign that they are interested in getting to know you despite the external distractions that may be calling their name. Sometimes a call or text needs to be answered, however, if your person makes an effort to put their phone away when they’re out with you, they definitely want to get to know you better. 

They ask you questions to get to know you 

A clear way to know if someone is into you is if they will ask you questions and follow-up questions. Such questions can look like, what are the things you like to do in your free time? Where do you work and what do you like about your job? Of course, the questions can vary, however, it’s important to look out for these signs when getting to know someone. 

If someone likes you they will find any excuse to talk to you 

Texting can sometimes be hard to continue, as conversations can sometimes be extremely mundane or boring. If someone is genuinely interested, they will make an effort to keep the conversation going- despite how boring it may actually be.