As close friends of Jacky Oh, still mourn her death, consumers all over the country are showing their support by patronizing the late entrepreneur’s small business.
According to TMZ, her cosmetics line, J Nova Collection, has seen a huge spike in sales. Orders have been flooding in and many products are selling out. The outlet says that the company has received over 2,000 orders since her death over two weeks ago.

On Instagram, he company thanked all of its supporters for their continued support.
“Thank you for supporting J Nova Collection! We appreciate your amazing support and patience as we work diligently to fulfill and ship out your orders,” the caption read. “We Love Jacky, we’re going to make you proud,” the manager of the account wrote.
Jacky Oh named the brand after one of the children she shares with DC Young Fly. It is reported that the family plans to keep operating the business and possibly the young girl, named Nova, the new face of the brand. Before her passing, Jacky Oh ran the company with her sister Meghan, who is the creative director. Currently, the entire family has jumped in to help fulfill orders. Once everything has settled down, the family will discuss who will take over leadership in the interim until Nova becomes old enough to run the business.
Representatives for the company tell TMZ that they are excited about the incoming orders.
“Super proud of the foundation Jacky has built for the business to operate and have great products. We thank everyone for the continuous support as Nova’s business continues to flourish with her mom watching over,” the companies representatives said.
Jacky Oh’s Untimely Death
Jacky Oh, whose real name is Jackyln Smith, passed away on May 31st. Although her cause of death is still unknown to the public, many speculate that it was due to cosmetic surgery. Before the news broke of her passing, she uploaded photos and videos of herself in Miami preparing for a “Mommy Makeover” procedure.
She shared three children with “Wild n’ Out” comedian, DC Young Fly.