Keke Palmer is sending a word of encouragement to people who may be feeling the pressure of comparison. A recent conversation with a successful person in their early 20s prompted the actress’s latest Instagram message. The woman Palmer spoke with felt like she wouldn’t be able to find anyone on “her level.” Therefore, Palmer wanted to share the importance of focusing on character and not being caught up in “monetary and superficial things.”

“We all don’t start at the same point and that’s okay because we all don’t END at the same point. Value should be placed on character, not monetary and superficial things. We miss out every time we do that to ourselves and others!” Palmer wrote in her recent post’s caption, “Social media, celebrity culture, flex culture whatever the hell we calling it will have you tore up in these streets. In life WE GROW, we gotta stop acting like folks are at the end of their success at 25.”

Focus On Character

Palmer’s post was a reminder that “comparison is the thief of joy.” Comparing yours successes to that of often leads to dissatisfaction and undermines self-worth.

“Seeing so many young people get so much so fast makes a lot of people feel behind. And I think that’s so unfair,” the new mom said.

She explains it’s easy to get caught up in celebrity and social media culture, which, even she admitted to sometimes playing into. However, Palmer said she doesn’t believe people should compete with others.

“I have 20 years of experience, that has granted me the level of success that I have now. So for me to expect that from anybody else in my age group, I think is….or for anybody to expect themselves to have be anywhere near where I am without having 20 years of experience in anything, I think is entirely unfair and a disservice.” Palmer said.

She later added that no one should compare themselves to anyone. Instead, she encouraged her followers to focus on someone’s growth and their character.

“Everybody in their 20s and 30s expecting to be Bill Gates…it could happen, but if it doesn’t, you haven’t failed,” Palmer advised.

She insists that people build friendships and relationships off the “content of their character” instead of what can be gained from the relationship.

Keke Palmer Handling Comparison

The TV show host is no stranger to comparison. In the past, social media users compared the singer to fellow child star Zendaya saying that the latter’s supposed more successful career was due to her skin tone. However, Palmer responded saying that the comparison of her and Zenday was in itself an “example of colorism.”

Via Twitter: @NBAgladiator
Via Twitter: @KekePalmer