Fashion influencer, mother, daughter and friend Kyrzayda Rodriguez passed away September 9th and people are taking to social media to share what she meant to them. 

PHOTO: Style Rave

The revered Dominicana was fighting stomach cancer for almost a year and never allowed that to break her stride or her spirit. In a post a few months ago, Rodriguez addressed cancer by its name and spoke about her ailments. She openly stated that cancer could not affect her soul or take the love of those who support her. 

"Cancer unfortunately you cannot touch my soul, and the love and support from the ones who love me. Unfortunately with my bold head I still inspire one or two people. Cancer you taught me a lesson in LIFE nothing is more than having Christ in your heart, and your health."

In her last live Instagram video, Rodriguez encouraged everyone to stop waiting for another day or hour to do what they want to do or what they love to do, do it now! She also thanked all of the people who participated in the hashtag #youinspireuskyrzayda as a way to celebrate the blogger during Fashion Week because she was unable to make it to the festivities due to her health. Daniela Ramirez (@nany) started off the posting chain sharing how much Rodriguez inspired her from the day they met: 

After learning about her passing, people are continuing to add to the hashtag and share the impact Rodriguez left on them, including her family and close friends. Read some of those inspiring and heartfelt messages below: 

In 2013, Rodriguez started her blog; in 2016, she quit her job to pursuing blogging full-time; and in 2018, she has gained her angel wings. She lived passionately, loved what she did, never attempted to be "perfect" and encouraged others to do the same. Rodriguez’s legacy will live on forever because through it all thanks to #youinspireuskyrzayda

Sleep in peace, Queen. 

PHOTO: Pinterest

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