1. Establish a routine

    College students are among the busiest people on the planet. In order to avoid the stress, make an attempt to establish an easy-to-follow routine. Routines will improve your self-discipline and are crucial to staying motivated. Getting into the habit of working out regularly, ensuring you have enough study time and maintaining a proper sleep schedule will only positively impact your school year.

  2. Eat smart

    Before you start running low on meal points, make healthy eating convenient by stocking your refrigerator with clean foods. You do not have to live off of ramen! Oatmeal packets, yogurt cups, deli meats and microwaveable soups are perfect for the days when you can’t make it to the dining hall. When you can, try to keep variety in the food you're consuming. Don’t eat the pizza four days in a row. As great as it sounds, your body won’t appreciate it. Avoid the temptation to skip meals at all costs. If you have a class during your typical lunchtime, make a sandwich to eat on the go. Many campus dining facilities offer fresh fruits like apples, bananas and oranges. Always take a piece, it’ll come in handy when you need an afternoon energy boost.

  1. Photo: Giphy
  2. Backpack snacks are an actual thing

    Keep one or two snacks in your bag/backpack at all times. Snacking throughout the day is normal and necessary to maintaining an energized mind. There isn’t always time to grab food from the convenience store or machine, therefore, “backpack snacks” are a virtue. Many professors allow their students to eat in class, too! Ready-made snacks keep you from overindulging and spending too much money on fast food. Plus, a granola bar or trail mix just might save the day during a late study session in the library.

  1. Commit to be fit and exercise regularly

    It’s no surprise that incorporating fitness into a collegiate schedule is difficult. Make a conscious effort to work out at least three times a week. Most universities have great fitness centers that offer group courses such as pilates, cycling, dance and kickboxing. If the gym isn’t your forté, try a new sport or take a leisure walk around campus. Incorporating a morning run or yoga session into your schedule will make you feel energized and inclined to make healthier decisions throughout the day. Make your workouts fun by varying your routine and music playlists. If you consider yourself to be a competitive person, an accountability partner will keep you motivated.


  1. Limit the caffeinated beverages & drink more water

    While walking through campus, you’re bound to see peers with a fresh cup of coffee in hand. If you’re sleeping regularly and exercising often, you probably don’t need a morning brew to start your day. Green tea is a great alternative, contains half the caffeine of coffee and provides a great energy boost. Invest in a quality water bottle to carry with you everywhere. If you’re not much of a water drinker, adding fresh fruit such as strawberries or lemons enhances flavor and has great health benefits.

  1. Extra hours make a difference: Get sleep — and lots of it

    The suggested amount of sleep for most millennials is 7-9 hours, however, college students rarely meet that quota. If you can spare the time, napping works wonders. Whether it lasts for 10 minutes or over an hour, midday naps are essential. If possible, avoid all-nighters (especially before exam days). Lack of sleep will have your attitude on level 100 and reduce your ability to concentrate. It’s highly unlikely you’ll retain what you attempted to study at 4 a.m. anyway, so you’re better off getting a good night’s rest.

  1. Photo: Giphy
  2. If it’s not a definite yes, it’s a no: don’t over-commit

    Time management is an imperative aspect of college life. Once on campus, it’s easy to be overcommitted to various clubs, societies and teams. In order to successfully manage your time, start by picking a few core extracurriculars of interest. Campus clubs are a great way to establish friendships and build your resume. Your class schedule might seem like you have hours of free time each day, but those hours will likely be spent reading, writing and studying. Don’t be afraid to say no to events if you have previous obligations.

  3. Indulgence is a virtue

    As Kiesha Red said, “if you want a burger, eat a burger!” Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in college doesn’t mean you have to give up the things you love. If you’re having a particularly stressful day give yourself a break and do something you wouldn’t usually do. Don’t be afraid to break your routine for an extra Netflix episode or social time with friends every now and then. At the end of the day, your happiness is the most important aspect of a positive college experience. Live well, be well and enjoy life!

  4. Photo: Giphy
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