We love lush for their fun, natural and super unique bath and body products. But w love them even more for standing up for different communities through campaigns like their latest.

All 250 North American Lush stores are now sporting quotes from transgender employees talking about their identities. Lush introduced a new "Inner Truth" bath melt along with this storefront transformation, and all sales of the $6 pink and blue product will be donated to transgender rights advocacy groups.

Photo: Lush

“As an inclusive employer who champions equality, we simply couldn’t stand by knowing our co-workers fear for their lives because of who they are," says Carleen Pickard, the brand's ethical campaigns specialist to the Huffington Post, "So we felt it was our duty to shed light on these daily discriminations and work to advance and secure their basic rights.”

And although the monetary contributions from the Inner Truth bath melt will make an impact, we love that there is also a focus on representation. Young people who walk by Lush storefronts will read the impactful, powerful words from some members of the trans community and might be inspired to have the courage to live their authentic lives, whatever that means for them.

Looking for more productive ways to be a trans ally? Lush's website has a beginners guide that will teach people who are ready to learn how to be the best ally they can be. Check it out here. And check out more stories and resources from the trans community here and here.
