Comedian Michelle Buteau has a new show coming to Netflix. She dropped a teaser trailer on Instagram, and fans cannot get enough. The 8-episode series stars Buteau as Mavis Beaumont, a fashion-forward New Yorker trying to embrace the newly single lifestyle. It is based on her book of essays, “Survival of the Thickest: Essays.” From the trailer, fans can expect a show full of body positivity and fashion.
“I want to dress women and help them love their bodies,” Buteau’s Mavis says in the trailer. The clip also shows the supporting cast, including Tone Bell, Christine Horn, and Tasha Smith.
Fans are elated by the release of this upcoming series that centers a thick Black woman. So often, thick characters are cast as the side kick. So, for many fans, its refreshing to see Buteau take center stage as Beaumont. In the words of one Twitter user: “ATTN: THICK GIRLS, WE OUTSIDE THIS SUMMER.”
Why We Are Excited to See Michelle Buteau in “Survival Of The Thickest”
Buteau is a Black woman who grew up Catholic and thick in New Jersey. The new show will chronicle how she navigated life – from college, dating and beyond. Plus-size visibility has increased over the decades. Having a Black, thick woman as a main character is an exciting continuation of that growing trend. Of course, Buteau has always exuded main character energy, and fans cannot wait to see her shine on Netflix.
On the show, Buteau’s character, Mavis, is a plus-size fashion designer and who is proud of her body. Her goal is to dress women and help them love their bodies. So often, they say it’s the person who makes the clothes, not the other way around; however, in an industry that hasn’t always catered to particular body types, it’s often hard to “make the clothes.” Another reason why “Survival Of The Thickest” is important.
Fans can tune in to “Survival Of Thickest” on Netflix July 13.