It’s not just you – the energy around right now is a lot. Today’s New Moon in Libra and annular solar eclipse are playing a major role in this, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit back and fall victim to things out of your control. Staying informed about what’s going on in the cosmos is a great way to start taking your power back in challenging times. From there, it’s easier to give yourself the grace to move through the ever-changing seasons of life with a roster of self-care tools you can rotate based on the surrounding energies.

While they’re common events (happening four to six times per year), not everyone understands eclipse season and just how impactful it can be. Significant interactions between the Earth, Moon and Sun always align with lunar events like full and new moons, making them “three times more powerful” than average transits according to People‘s expert astrologer Kyle Thomas. “Eclipses set up the themes for the coming six months,” he notes. They can play a role in some of the more “destined” or “karmic” moments that arise on your path.

Understanding Lunar vs. Solar Eclipses

On Oct. 2, people in the Southern Hemisphere will witness a “ring of fire” in the sky as the annual solar eclipse turns up the (metaphorical) heat. 93% of the center of the Sun’s disk will be covered by the Moon in an event that’s expected to last about six minutes. Unlike earlier eclipses in 2024, this one won’t cause things to become dark on Earth, but the sky should still be viewed through solar eclipse safety glasses to protect your eyes.

Solar events like today’s occur when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, blocking sunlight from our perspective. They’re linked with New Moons, which are known for bringing new beginnings and fresh starts. Overall, t he energy in these periods (which is three times amplified from the eclipse) can push us in bold, new directions. On the other hand, lunar eclipses bring “major endings, turning points, revelations and culminations,” as Thomas points out.

If you think back to spring of this year, you might recall where these themes came up for you during the April 8 lunar event, which found Earth standing between the Moon and Sun. During this transit (which always coincides with a Full Moon), the sun appears orange, brown, red or even gets blacked out entirely. After the Oct. 2 eclipse, we won’t see another until March 15, 2025’s total lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo. Two weeks after comes a solar event on March 29 at nine degrees Aries, setting us up for an exciting time of transition until September’s lunar eclipse at 15 degrees Pisces and solar at 29 degrees Virgo.

“A complete eclipse cycle takes 19 years and will return to the same degree and sign in the next 19 years ahead,” Thomas explains. With enough time and intention, anyone can use these cycles to reflect back on life’s ups and downs while examining the role astrology might be playing in their patterns. There’s a lot to know about the subject, and trying to understand it all can be overwhelming. For many, the best place to start is through cultivating lunar rituals that put your body and mind in touch with Mother Earth’s cycles, known for providing intuitive and spiritual guidance.

Building Your New Moon Ritual

October New Moon 2024 pictured: woman reading and drinking tea
(Toa Heftiba/Unsplash)

As mentioned, the New Moon is a time of beginnings and fresh energy. You might find yourself feeling ambitious about your homework, connecting with others easily, fighting the urge to run off of an adventure or maybe even thinking about uprooting your entire life. Use this time to dream big about the future, but remember to maintain a connection to your true self along the way. While bonding with friends or scrolling social media it can be easy for others to influence you, but using a practice like meditation or journaling is a great way to make sure you’re focused on what’s best for you.

To manifest your highest timeline, write it into existence. Keep a notebook dedicated to your lunar ritual and fill it with words that you want to live. For example, “I show love to my body through nourishing it with healthy and delicious foods. I maintain my mental well-being through physical activity, therapy and connection. I build a fruitful life alongside a partner who’s supportive, attentive, funny and kind.”

Rather than focusing on specific things you want to manifest, spend time understanding the feelings you want to experience in your life. Anyone can look at Rihanna and assume that only in her shoes (and bank account) would they be happy, but the key is to figure out what happiness looks like for you where you are right now. Seek to channel Rihanna’s confidence and savvy business sense into your unique creations instead of trying to re-create her blueprint or getting stuck in lack assuming you’re not worthy of the things you crave. While pondering how you want to feel in your post-eclipse season, take extra good care of your body. A warm bath with a hair mask can work wonders, but you’ll know what’s best for you in these moments of transformation.

Other Upcoming Astrological Events

In terms of astrology, there’s a lot to look forward to in October. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, goes retrograde on the 9th, meanwhile, Pluto (death and rebirth) is coming out of retrograde for a brief stint back through Capricorn. The former might encourage you to slow down and not rush the blessings the universe is seeking to deliver in her own timing. As for the latter, experts are curious to see how this transit might impact the upcoming election.

On the 13th, Mercury will enter Scorpio – sure to cause some fiesty conversations – and there’s a Full Moon in Aries on the 17th. That same day, Venus will move into fiery Sagittarius, potentially adding more fuel to the fire, before the Sun heads into Scorpio on Oct. 22. Finally, Forbes reports that Comet A3 is visible from Earth this month as it passes about 44 million miles from us. Currently, early risers can catch it 60-75 minutes before sunrise, but on the 12th, the comet will be bright enough to be seen with the naked eye.

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