Every moment of motherhood is fleeting, as your baby is constantly outgrowing routines, traditions, and yes, clothes. Those little, chubby hands, toes, arms, and legs won’t be so little, and in no time, your child will transition from newborn to kids’ clothes.

Donnya Negera, Dallas-based influencer and mom blogger, is a mommy of three and knows a lot about the constant changes of motherhood and children outgrowing baby clothes. She encourages moms that organization is key to ensuring that you are utilizing all your baby’s clothes while they still fit. 

“Try to sort your baby’s clothes by month in separate drawers to visually see what you have left before your baby outgrows that phase,” Negera said. 


One option for your child’s outgrown clothes is donation. Try giving your baby’s clothes to Goodwill, the American Red Cross, a shelter, or even to a family within your local community via Facebook. As moms begin to donate, Negera encourages them to brace themselves for the onslaught of emotions. 

“It is sweet seeing my baby grow and hit new milestones but deep down, I get very emotional on our ‘lasts,’” Negera said. “I’ll think things like, ‘These are the last onesies I will ever get to wash spit-up off of,’ or ‘This is the last time I’ll hear a precious newborn cry.’”

Donating outgrown clothes signifies how fast time is flying by, so there’s a lot to consider. 

“Embrace every second of it all,” she added.

Consign or Sell

Moms invest a lot of energy and money into buying baby clothes. When your child outgrows them, you can refurbish gently used clothes and consign or sell them to earn extra cash. You might sell them on Facebook marketplace, at a local consignment store, or on platforms like Amazon and Ebay. You can also try hosting a garage sale. 

Attend a Clothing Swap 

Many local communities and neighborhoods have local clothing swaps where several moms participate. This is a great opportunity to give your baby’s clothes a second life and help another family with younger children. Meanwhile, you can exchange the clothes your baby has grown out of with clothes for older kids. You might just leave with a refreshed wardrobe for your child.

Save for the Future

You never know what the future holds. You might have more children and might already be planning to do so. One idea for what to do with clothes your baby has outgrown is to pack them away and save them for future children. If you plan to store them in an attic or basement that may be susceptible to environmental factors, be sure to purchase water tight containers