For some new mothers, postpartum depression can sink in quickly.  Some symptoms of postpartum depression are mood swings, anxiety, feelings of being overwhelmed, irritability, and trouble sleeping.  Some mothers might even struggle with bonding with their babies, and they often fear that they will not be a great mom.   

While this usually ends after a few weeks, it's possible for the depression to last longer.  If this is your situation, it might be time to talk with a licensed psychologist. In the meantime, here are a few ways you can take steps towards overcoming postpartum depression.

Start a Flexible Exercise Regimen

After the first few weeks of your child's life, you can gradually develop a flexible workout routine.  Exercising is an excellent way for you to relieve stress on the days you're struggling with frustration, anxiety, or boredom.  You don't have to visit a gym in order to get a good workout in. There are many workout videos online that are not too strenuous for your body as it recovers from childbirth.  Other ways to exercise include going for a walk,  jumping on a trampoline, or riding your bike in the morning.

Reach Out to Other Moms

It also helps to reach out to your mother, grandmother, and other moms in the community who have been in your position.  Share with them your insecurities, questions about caring for the baby, and any thoughts you might have.  You can also reach out to fellow moms on different parenting Facebook groups, magazine forums, or local parenting support groups for moms dealing with postpartum depression

Ditch Unrealistic Expectations

As a new mom, you'll hear all kinds of advice from your in-laws, family members, best friends, and your spouse.  Some of them might even criticize you for the way you care for your baby.   Unrealistic expectations only make the depression worse, so you should avoid them.  As long as your baby is safe and healthy, don't be overly concerned about what others think.

Share The Load

Another thing you can do is get help from those around you.  Maybe you can have your parents watch your baby so you can get a few hours of rest.  Or you can ask your spouse to prepare freezer meals that you can reheat, giving you more time to focus on emotional healing and caring for your newborn.  When others share the load, it makes things easier for you.

Having postpartum depression doesn't mean that you don't love your child or that you're not an effective mom.  In fact, it is because you care so much about your child that this is what makes you a good mom.  With these tips and help from a therapist, you can overcome depression.