Existing right now, particularly as a Black woman, is a laborious task. While the community internally has never been more connected, there are countless external factors working to keep Black women powerless.
Black women are reclaiming their peace as a radical act of retaliation against micro-aggressions, glass ceilings and oppression. The truth is society thrives off them being stressed and scared because it’s financially lucrative. To decide you’re still deserving of joy, amidst programming trying to persuade you otherwise, is more powerful than you may realize.
In modern times, Black women are expected to take on multiple roles, as caretaker, provider and leader. This “strong Black woman” trope places immense pressure to remain resilient without succumbing to vulnerability, even during times of extreme political unrest. For your ancestors who didn’t get to and for the next generation watching you, here’s how to protect your peace and reclaim your power.
How To Protect Your Peace
Black women will always be leaders in activism and community work. They will always be in the fight for what’s right. However, it’s important to note that half of the fight against a world trying to chain you to suffering is to bask in your peace. In order to prove that your joy can never be stolen, rest is an essential part of resilience and resistance. Here are some tips on protecting your peace.
Stay Healthy
From moving your body to feeding yourself holistically, offering your temple vitality is the ultimate way to protect your well-being. Black women often face higher levels of stress compared to their white counterparts due to systemic racism and sexism. This can lead to burnout and a ton of physical health issues, from heart disease to high blood pressure. It’s important to exercise and find mindfulness practices that feel good enough to commit to.
Instill Impenetrable Boundaries
Speaking a boundary without reinforcing it is simply a suggestion. Find the edges of your tolerance, add some inches and erect a firm boundary. Protecting one’s peace requires setting boundaries, especially in work and interpersonal relationships. This is vital for you to resist the pressures often placed on those expected to overextend themselves.
Curate Your Timeline
You get to choose who you follow and the media you’re constantly ingesting. While it’s good to be informed, the human psyche wasn’t wired to be processing so much devastation all the time. Times of heightened racial tensions and social unrest can significantly impact the mental well-being of Black women. Reclaim your peace by muting some of the chaos, unfollowing fear-mongering and training your algorithm to feed you some positivity.
Center Your Inner Child
Do activities that you like for the sake of having fun. Indulge in life the way that little you would, through sweet treats and adventure. While you’re surviving life as an adult, little you still lives within you. It’s important to make sure you’re being their parent, too. Keep them dreaming, trying out new hobbies and finding magic in the mundane.
Lean Into Community
The concept of “rest as resistance” isn’t just an individual pursuit. It’s a collective one. Black women can create spaces of healing, whether that’s through sisterhood, spirituality or shared cultural practices that prioritize joy and rest. Make sure you’re surrounded by people who feel safe and uplifting, and communicate how you feel every step of the journey.
Rest isn’t a luxury. It’s a vital practice for Black women. During the Civil Rights Movement, leaders, like Rosa Parks and Audre Lorde, emphasized the need for self-care to continue the fight. Audre Lorde, in particular, noted the importance of “taking care of yourself so that you can take care of others.” Resting is an act of survival. Give yourself permission to slow down through breath and disconnection.