Taking a break does not have to mean the demise of your relationship forever. It might actually be an opportunity to grow separately and rejuvenate the spark. While some might disagree, there’s an argument for taking a clean break. Here are five reasons why taking a break might benefit your relationship.

Time to Mature

A break in a relationship will allow both you and your partner time to reflect and mature. If you or your partner are unable to communicate effectively or handle conflict in a healthy way, this might be a sign of a lack of maturity. Taking a break will allow for time and distance and create an opportunity for both you and your partner to get a little more life under your belt, learn new relationship-building skills and grow.

Space to Heal

Another benefit of taking a break is that it will allow time to assess old wounds and to heal. Healing does not just happen overnight, but it takes effort to reflect, acknowledge wounds and trauma from your past and how it has impacted your behavior and your outlook on life. Creating space to heal old wounds might be the missing key to help your relationship thrive.

An Opportunity to Reassess Non-Negotiables

A breakup might not be the end of the world, but instead, it could be a time to assess your non-negotiables. Once you are on a break, this will give you the opportunity to reassess the standards you don’t feel comfortable compromising. You might find that things that were once on your list, no longer are. On the other hand, you might find new must-haves that still ring true for you. This time apart could be the relationship refresher you need to get in touch with your needs and wants.

Time to Evaluate Compatibility

Time apart can allow you and your partner to evaluate how compatible you are. During a break, you can ask yourself whether your partner’s quirks or small tendencies are something you can live with. Consider the moments when you argue the most or have conflict and whether or not your communication styles are compatible. A break is truly the time to assess how well you and your partner fit. 

A Chance to Mend Bridges

Lastly, taking a break is a chance to practice forgiveness and mend bridges. When you reconnect with your partner, this is the time to take ownership of your mistakes and give forgiveness for your partner’s shortcomings and missteps.