Fact: a poppin' nail color can take your look from a 10 to a 20 effortlessly. Beautifully-groomed hands and painted nails is a staple power structure for any #Boss woman. This holiday season, gift the boss woman in your life (which very well could be you!) an array of nail polish from OOO Polish to compliment her flyness.
In an era when the battle cry is "representation matters", OOO Polish leads the vanguard for formulating nail lacquer colors for Women of Color skin tones. "I went back and forth with the ‘Made For Women of Color’ phrase for a long time before officially choosing it because of a variety of factors: inclusion, colorism, exclusion, racism, and beauty politics," nobly says Founder & CEO Symantha Wechie-Onyechi. In the ever-growing beauty industry, Wechie-Onyechi strives to create a brand where WOC are seen in the beauty products they purchase.
"Our dedication to formulate nail shades for Women of Color is our contribution to a void in the beauty industry. We believe representing all women, all of the time, is true inclusion. We want to continue to create a space where Women of Color never have to guess whether they have been included. You are."
Check out some of OOO Polish's nail polish products below.

Photo: OOO Polish
Photo: OOO Polish

Photo: OOO Polish
Sunni Ali Ber
Photo: OOO Polish
Photo: OOO Polish
To shop the complete nail polish collection, visit OOO Polish's website here.
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