While every chakra plays a vital role in one’s wellbeing, the sacral chakra serves as one of the most important for a woman’s health and vitality.
The sacral chakra is the second energy center of the body, located just below the navel. This orange energy center is associated with creativity, sexuality, emotions and relationships. It governs a woman’s ability to experience pleasure and intimacy, which are crucial components to femininity. Beyond personal identity and emotional balance, this chakra plays an especially important role in matters of reproductive health. Black women are disproportionately more impacted by hormonal imbalance disorders.
When your sacral chakra is thriving, you feel free to express yourself authentically. You can experience deep connections with others and feel a sense of vitaltiy and passion. However, when this chakra is out of balance, it can manifest as various physical, emotional and mental challenges. It’s essential to keep the sacral chakra balanced in order to be the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself.
Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Off Balance
An unbalanced sacral chakra can show up in many ways. Here are some common signs of an off-balance sacral chakra:
- Emotional Instability: There’s nothing wrong with being a little moody. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, constantly shifting between extremes, or unable to control your reactions, this could be a sign that your sacral chakra is out of balance.
- Difficulty Connecting with Others: A blocked sacral chakra can make it hard to build meaningful relationships. You may feel disconnected from your loved ones or have trouble forming close bonds. These bonds can be romantic, familial or platonic.
- Low Libido: If you’re having any issues with sexual desire and intimacy, then this may indicate an imbalanced sacral chakra. This could range from a lack of sexual drive to feeling disconnected during intimate moments. Beyond that, an unbalanced sacral chakra can make you feel insecure and unconfident in your body. That can also impact libido.
- Creative Blocks: The sacral chakra is where women give birth, including their creative projects. If you’re struggling with a lack of inspiration, feeling creatively stifled or a general inability to create, your sacral chakra may need some tending to.
- Difficulty with Change: A healthy sacral chakra is always in flow. If you’re experiencing an inability to adapt to change or a strong fear of the unknown, then this can be a sign of imbalance in this area of your body.
- Low Self-Worth or Guilt: A healthy sacral chakra is loudly confidence and unabashedly authentic. If you’re holding onto guilt or shame, especially in relation to your body, sexuality or emotions, this can indicate that the sacral chakra is blocked.
How to Get it in Balance?
Chakras are energy centers that are constantly fluctuating, which means nothing is in a permanent state. You can have a low season in a certain area of your emotional well-being, and turn things completely around in the next. There are several practices and tips that can help you restore balance to your sacral chakra. Here are some ways to realign and nurture your sacral energy:
- Explore Creative Activities: Awaken that inner child. Whether it’s painting, dancing, writing or crafting, engaging in activities that allow you to express yourself creatively will help activate the sacral chakra. Focus on what feels fun rather than stressing about perfection.
- Indulge in Sensuality: Dance naked in the mirror. Lather your body in oils and speak sweetly to yourself. Connect with your body through sensual offerings like an aromatherapy bath, slowly enjoying good food or walking barefoot in nature. Engaging your senses and honoring your vessel can help you reconnect with your sacral chakra’s energy and sense of pleasure.
- Practice Yoga: There are many specific yoga poses that can help open and balance the sacral chakra. Poses, such as hip openers, or any movements that allow for fluid motion will help activate the energy in this area.
- Use the Color Orange: The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange. Crystals, like carnelian, orange calcite, or tiger’s eye, are believed to help balance this chakra. You can wear these stones as jewelry or place them on your lower abdomen during meditation. Similarly, try bringing the color orange into your wardrobe.
- Meditate with Affirmations: Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for chakra balancing. You can meditate on the sacral chakra by visualizing a glowing orange light in your lower abdomen. Pair this with affirmations, like “I am deserving of pleasure,” “I honor my emotions,” and “I embrace my creativity and sensuality.”
- Live a Soft Life: Living in survival mode is no good for the sacral chakra. It’s important to take time to nurture yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. This means regular self-care practices, massages, nurturing your sexual health and taking time to relax and reflect.
- Let Go of Guilt and Shame: If you feel blocked by guilt, shame, or fear around intimacy or your own body, then work on releasing those stagnant emotional. Journaling, therapy or affirmations focused on self-love can help shift your mindset and heal any lingering emotional wounds related to the sacral chakra.