Adrienne Alexander wants to help young children better understand good and bad touch. To help little ones learn the essentials of boundary setting, the author wrote a new safe touch children’s book called, “Don’t Touch My No No Parts!”

Alexander’s new book is accompanied by individual and group safe touch affirmations and an original animated jingle, “Don’t Touch My No-No Parts!” The book, affirmations, and jingle, use kid-friendly language and illustrations to help parents begin the conversation surrounding potential abuse. They will also guide children to recognize and better understand abuse if it happens.

“This moment is surreal to me, but at the same time. I know it’s bigger than me. Stories like the one in my hometown of MD, where more than 150 priests and others associated with the Archdiocese of Baltimore were accused of sexually abusing more than 600 children. Or the situation with the Dali Lama, I want to be the voice for children I didn’t have when sexual abuse happened to me,” Alexander explained.

Freedom from Sexual Assault

In March 2023, President Biden said in a statement, “Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right. Yet, tens of millions of Americans, our family and friends, colleagues, neighbors, and classmates, carry the trauma of sexual assault with them.”

Research shows that children who disclose their abuse within one month are at a reduced risk for depression. Furthermore, if children can talk about their abuse, they are less likely to experience depression. Alexander says she created the book from a male and female because boys and girls are equally at risk of sexual abuse.

“Don’t Touch My No No Parts!” is available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.