Some zodiac signs value their privacy and the ability to not have their business everywhere. There are some signs who are likely going to keep their inner lives secret. It might feel alienating trying to get information out of these signs and deciding whether it’s toxic secrecy or a desire to protect themselves is key. Here are the most secretive zodiac signs.


Scorpios aren’t even sorry about their secretive nature. They have a tendency to safeguard the most simple of secrets. There is no secret too small for a Scorpio because everything is sacred knowledge to them. Since they consider inside knowledge precious, they go to great lengths to keep their lips sealed.

Scorpios, being a fixed water sign, never lets a secret slip. They prefer not to reveal too much about themselves and see oversharing as a danger zone.

The truth is that Scorpios are private because trust matters more than anything for this sign. They aren’t prepared to have you break their trust, so they are distant with their secrets. Controlling how much they share may be a way to minimize the pain of heartbreak.


Virgo natives aren’t the types to share their innermost thoughts with the world. You’re unlikely to get a lot out of a Virgo, even if you’re a part of their social group. Virgos aren’t keen to share anything personal, unless you’re a part of their tiny and carefully selected inner friend group.

Being prone to perfectionism, Virgos work silently and let their results speak for them. They hardly have free time to open up about their daily lives. Don’t take it personal if your Virgo friends don’t share their thoughts, plans or important life updates with you.


Cancer signs are secretive. Characterized by the crab, this secretive zodiac sign spends more time laying low in their shell than being outside.

As a water sign, Cancer is extremely sensitive and attuned to emotions. With that in mind, emotionally intelligent Cancers are more likely to keep things inside than express themselves. This sign never wants to seem too self-centered. If anything, a key reason for being sensitive is to avoid disappointing or offending someone they know or care about. While this can become overwhelming and unhelpful for both parties, Cancers usually mean well.

The forever mom-friend Cancer is secretive because they’re guarded and a homebody. Anybody who they eventually open up to is someone they treasure.